First Day of Classes

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Its been two weeks after I arrived here and so far its been fun! My girlfriend and I have had so much fun with our roommates and we're getting along so well. Tomorrow is the first day I get to meet other peers and I'm really excited! I hope me and Scarlett are in the same classes.

Aph: I can't wait to go to my first class tomorrow!

Scarlett: Me too!

Aph: Well, I hope we have classes together.

Scarlett: Me too.

- silence for a moment -

Aph: Hey Scar? There's something I need to tell you.

Scarlett: What is it?

Aph: Well, here let me show you.

- turns into werewolf -

Scarlett: OMG!! You're the Ultima!

Aph: plz, don't be frightened! I'm not like any other Ultima

Scarlett: - terror in eyes -

Scarlett: I-I don't even - I don't even know w-what to say.

Aph: You don't need to say anything. I understand if you don't want to be together.

Scarlett: No! You are not leaving me! I love you no matter what you are!

Aph: But I might hurt you! And I don't want that!

- Aph tries to leave but gets grabbed by Scarlett -

Aph: No! Let go! Please! I don't want to hurt you!

- Aph's eyes turn red and stares deep at Scarlett -

Scarlett: - falls in pain -

Aph: Nooo! Please don't die! Scarlett! I need you!

Scarlett: Now I know what you meant by painful transformation. - screams in pain -

Aph: Don't worry I'm here! I'll always be here!

- Werewolf Doctors arrive at the dorm -

Female doctor: Is everything OK?!

Aph: Will she be OK?

Female doctor: Yes as long you're here

- dad barges in -

Dad: What the hell happened!!??

Aph: I didn't mean too! Please, the only way she'll live is if I'm here!

Dad: No! You're going home!

Male doctor: Sir! Sorry but she needs to stay with her. She's right

Female doctor: This human will die if she doesn't stay.

Dad: Fine!

Scarlett: Hey Aph.

Aph: Babe! You're going to be OK.

Scarlett: I know I will because I have you here.

- Five months of recovering and transforming -

Aph: I can't wait to see her!

- Scarlett walks out with purple ears and tail -

Aph: Babe! You're so cute!

Scarlett: Thanks! When we get to class will you be transformed too? I'm not comfortable with this yet.

Aph: Of course I will! Anything for you.

Scarlett: Thanks babe.

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