What happened to you?

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Jack's POV
When we got to the hospital, the doctor ran Aph into the E.R. to put stitches in. They allowed me in because I was her "brother". They took off her mask and I saw her secret. The doctors did the eye first and then carefully flipped her over. When I saw her back, I questioned on how she managed to do that. They finished up her back and then rolled her to a room. I went with and stayed with her over night.

The next morning, she woke up and tightened the grip of her hand. I looked up and she smiled. I got up and hugged her. "Ow! Careful, my back." She said in pain. "Oh sorry I didn't sleep so I guess I forgot." I said looking down. She pulled up my face and gave a concerned look. "I know I shou-" I was interrupted by her lips hitting mine. I didn't pull back but instead I kissed back. She pulled away and looked at the ground. "I'm s-sorry. I know I'm married but I haven't kissed since...never mind." She said not finishing her thought. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and we sat there staring at each other.

The doctor walked in with a clipboard and a smile. "I have good news, Miss Lyycon!" The doctor said. "You will make a full recovery but there will be no traveling for a couple weeks, Midnight Ruby." He said as he checked the tubes. "How do you know my youtuber name?" Aph asked quietly. "I watch your videos. By the way, we have your camera waiting for a video." He said stopping at the doorway. "Please bring it here. I need to stay on schedule no matter what." Aph said with determination. "OK I will be back in a minute." He left the room and then I broke the silence. "Hey do you want to do a collaboration?" I asked. She shook her head saying yes. The doctor brought her camera and handed it to Aph.

"Hey my beautiful jewels, my name is Midnight Ruby and yeah I know what you're  thinking. Why am I in the hospital? Well I got into an accident and I have someone here with me!" She pointed the camera towards me and I did my intro. "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye." I said in an indoor way. She pointed the camera back to her and finished up. "I got stitches and will not be at PAX unless Jack is willing to help me." She pointed the camera towards me. "Of course I would help you!" I said with enthusiasm.

Later that night, we got to leave the hospital. I checked out Aph from the hospital and made our way home. Once in a while, she needed to lean onto something so she wouldn't fall over. She soon got sleepy so I carefully picked her up bridal style and carried the rest of the way. When we got to the apartments, I opened my door and laid her on my bed. I covered her in blankets and left. Before I made it out the doorway, I heard Aph say something. "Come cuddle with me, please." She asked. I walked back to the bed and got covered. She scooted closer and snuggled in my chest. I put my head on hers and we soon fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up and found that Aph wasn't in my arms but instead she was rolled over. I saw the two lines of stitches and still questioned on how she got them. I decided to get out of bed and go take a shower. When I got out, Aph was awake and she blushed a crimson color when she saw I didn't have a top on. "Oh sorry, I said thought you were downstairs." She said still blushing. "Its fine. I-I have a question. If you don't mind me asking. How did you get those cuts on your back?" I asked while walking to the closet. "I, um, I...my dreams affect my reality." She said before walking out of the room. I walked past her room and heard talking, like there was two people in there. I knocked on the door. "Hey, who are you talking too?" I asked through the door.

She opened the door slowly. "Um just myself, sorry if I disturbed your work, Jack." She said starting to close the door again. I stopped it before it was closed all the way. "Hey, if you need to talk, you always have me." I said before walking away. "Wait! I-I do need to talk about something's. But please don't tell anyone. Last time, someone kissed my wife." She said as we walked to the living room to sit. We sat down on the couch and she explained everything. Tears started to fall from her cheeks when she got to the nightmare part. I shushed her and pulled her into a hug. She finally calmed down and finished explaining. After she finished, she suddenly just went quiet. I then could heard little laughs come from her, but I knew this wasn't her. "You believed it, didn't you?" She said in a high pitch, psychotic tone. It scared me and I knew how to handle this since I had Anti possessing me.

"Aph, I know this isn't you, please, I know you can fight this!" I said trying to get her to fight whoever this was. I kept saying nice things and I knew that Aph was fighting because the woman would say "I'm sorry" or "please help me". While I was trying to get her to fight, Anti was trying to break free as well. I wouldn't let him so he gave up.

Aph's POV
I was taken over again by the unknown person. I could see what Jack was doing and I thank him for it. "You believed it, didn't you?" I asked. I unwillingly said it and laughed. I was scared that this woman was going to take full control. I was fighting and crying, crawling and yelling at her to stop. "Aph, I know this isn't you, please, I know you can fight this!" I heard Jack say. "I'm sorry! Please help me!" I yelled hopefully getting through her.

I finally broke her from her control and regained my control. I fell to the floor and gasped for air. "I broke her." I said under my breath. I tried to get up but I ended on the floor again. Jack tried to pick me but I told him I could do it myself. I grabbed the couch for support and finally gained balance.

Jack's POV
Aph gained control from that woman and fell to the ground. I sat on the ground wondering if it was safe to go near her. "I broke her." I heard Aph say. I knew it was safe then because her voice turned to normal. I crawled over to her and tried put pick her up but she wouldn't let me. "I can do it myself but thanks anyways." She said to me. She grabbed the arm of the couch and lift herself and got her balance.

She sat back down on the couch and I sat next to her. She was looking down at the ground with a blank expression. I grabbed her chin and looked at her but she was drawn to something. I finally drew her attention and we looked into each others eyes. I leaned into kiss her and she didn't push back. Instead, she grabbed my face and kissed me. It then turned into a make out session.

She pushed me to a laying position and put her hands on my chest. I grabbed her waist and pushed her toward my groin. She started to pull my shirt over my head and I did the same to her. I slowly unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. She helped because I was struggling. Aph was left in her red lace bra and undies. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. We were both left in our under clothes. She didn't break the kiss and started to pull off my boxers. I quickly unclipped her bra and pulled off her undies. I flipped her over and she was laying on her back. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to my bedroom. I threw her onto the bed and started to tease her entrance. She moaned with pleasure.

I slowly pushed my throbbing member into her and heard moans of pleasure coming from her small mouth. "Harder." I heard her say in between moans. "Your so tight." I said said while thrusting harder into her g-spot. I kept hitting there and was about to cum. "I'm so close, Jack." Aph said as she grabbed the sheets with one hand and the bed frame with the other. "Me too." I said thrusting into her with full force and not a second later, I came inside her. Soon after me, Aph came and it dripped onto the sheets but I didn't care.

I started to clean up and went to take a shower but Aph called me. "J-Jack, can I-I take a shower with you?" Aph said under her breath. "Sure, I'll help you with your back too." I said remembering that she probably couldn't reach her cuts. "O-OK." She said getting up and hobbling over too get a towel and clothes. We got in the shower and I held her so she didn't slip or fall in the shower.

I gently scrubbed her back and over her cuts. She flinched in pain and almost slipped. I caught her as she grabbed my shoulder. "Gotcha! I said as I caught her. "Thanks, I hope my stitches didn't rip." I turned her around and started to scrub her back gently again. After we were done, I helped her out of the shower and grabbed her towel.

We put our clothes on and went to bed. Aph struggled getting onto the bed so I gently lifted her and put her into the bed. She covered herself and I got into bed myself. I got under the covers and Aph scooted to snuggle in my chest. She soon fell asleep in my arms and I soon after.

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