The Test

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Chapter 39
(1 month later )
Rachel's pov:
I woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach . I got up and ran to the bathroom and vomited everywhere .

(5 minutes later )
I finally finished cleaning up the bathroom and went back into the room and laid down. I put my hand on my head , no fever . I then got up and saw how puffy I looked in my face . I went over to my calendar and saw I was late this month for my period . I sat for a moment and then it hit me .

"Oh shit ." I said .

I got dressed in some baggy clothes and went to the pharmacy .

(10 minutes later )
I was standing in my bathroom waiting for the timer to go off . This could not be happening , not to me . After everything I've been through I cannot be pregnant. I can't be a mother , I'm a child . Oh god and what am I going to tell Finn , he's going to flip out . I stood there feeling scared and nervous and then I heard the timer go off . This was it , my life was going to change forever the moment I picked up the test . I picked it up and gasped at what I saw .

Hey guys so I'm thinking about writing a sequel . Just let me know what you think by commenting below .

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