The journey to hell begins

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"So, when will you pop the question?" Hunter asked me while he was sitting on the kitchen counter, his legs swinging back and forth.

"What do you mean?" I asked while I poured some pancake batter in a pan.
"Don't play dumb, I know you like my older brother," he rolled his eyes and jumped off the counter.

"What makes you think that? I don't have a crush on him," I told him. "Yeah, and the flirting was all a hoax right? Along with the little 'moment' you had with him in the bathroom?" He said and smirked.

"The flirting's all fun and games- wait. How do you know about this moment in the bathroom?" I raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him.

"I didn't. I just assumed something would happen in the bathroom. I mean, you're dying his eyebrows while sitting in a bathtub with very little distance between the two of you. That with the flirting? Something had to happen. Did you to kiss?" His eyes gleamed and his face lit up.

"No we did not kiss. And stop lying, who told you about the moment? Which I'm never saying even happened, but who told you?" I asked him with my hands on my hips.

"Fine, Chloe," he sighed. "You're no fun." "Why don't you go hang out with your sister," I asked him. "Don't wanna," he shrugged.

"It's not a question. Go do something with your sister, dork," I shooed him away. "Alright," he raised his hands in defeat. "If it's worth anything, I'm pretty sure Bert has a crush on you," he said and grinned slowly.

I hit him on the shoulder lightly and he just sighed and turned to walk off. "Oh by the way, pancake's burning," he said and ran.

I turned around and sure enough, the pancake was burning. I quickly ran over and turned off the gas, all while muttering, "Oh shit," a billion times.

"Jesus what is that burning smell?" Bert walked in while sniffing the air. "Did you seriously burn pancakes? Pancakes, of all foods?" He shook his head. He facepalmed and then groaned.

"Damn it, forgot to blend the damn concealer," he said and that's when I noticed that there were spots with concealer on them on his face, albeit some were smudged due to his hand.

"You wear makeup?" I asked him while trying to scrape the burnt remains of the pancake off the pan.

"Yeah, gotta cover up them zits," Bert said as if it was obvious and walked off, muttering something.

"Hey listen! Uncle Dan wants to talk to Bert and Nyx!" Emily yelled from somewhere. "Tell him I'm coming in a minute!" I yelled back. "Me too!" Bert yelled.

I walked over into the living room to see Emily tapping her foot while holding up the receiver. "Here," she shoved the receiver into Bert's hands and walked off. He put the telephone on it's 'speaker mode' or whatever it's called and kept the receiver down.

"Bert, Nyx, you there?" Daniel, or rather, Dan's British accent spoke out. "Yeah, yeah we're here."

"So today morning a weird package arrived," He started. "It's from Hercules, isn't it?" I cut him off. "Wait, that's what your twin's named? Hercules?" He asked with a shocked face.

"Yes yes move on now," Dan spoke out. "Anyway, I opened the package and turns out, it's a letter from Brother Dearest," he said and I immediately clenched my fist. "It says-" that very moment the doorbell rang. I knew my brother, and I knew he loved playing games with me. I had a feeling that the doorbell rang because a package was left at our door, and I had a feeling that the package would have the same god damn letter. 

"It's a package! It's addressed to 'Night' but they got our address right," Hunter and Emily gave us the package and sat on the couches. "Night?" Bert asked. "Yeah, Hercules always called me 'Night' to taunt me, since my name is taken from the Greek Goddess of the Night," I said while my trembling hands held the package. "Open it," Dan said and he may not have expressed it very well, but I understood that he was just as shaken up as I was. 

"Well, what do you know? It's a letter. And I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that it's the same letter Dan has," I said while inspecting said letter. "Well, let me read it out and you tell me after if it's the same letter," I told Dan and he agreed.

"It says- Dear little Night,

 You've always hated that name haven't you? I remember you whining every time I called you that and occasionally even crying. Of course, Mom and Dad would come to your aid, they always did. You were just too dumb to realise it. Sure, I was their favourite for a while at the start, but they always preferred you in the end. They did seem distant, but as they would say, 'it was all for your good.' 

Now, you were always the dumb one which means I'm going to have to lay everything out for you. Because of you, I had everything I ever loved taken away from me. The day you ran away, my life came crumbling down. Not because you ran away, don't give yourself that much credit. No. Because when you ran away, Mommy and Daddy changed, a lot. They kept thinking you were kidnapped, that someone forged your note and whatnot. I tried telling them the truth, but they never believed me. But because you escaped like a coward, they saw it unfit for me to experience happiness or love. They did it, they took away Nicole from me. She was all that kept me sane. 

Now, you would understand that I had to kill them. They crossed line, clearly. But I wasn't satisfied with just them. Everyone at fault must pay. So now, after twenty torturous years, its finally your time to pay. Sweet nightmares, sister."

I finished while holding back a sob. Dan sighed out, "Well, I definitely did not get the same letter. Mine's much shorter. It just says that Nyx has to go back in history, that Hercules will force her to relive every horrifying moment of her childhood," he finished. 

"What does this mean then? If Hercules figured out where we are right now then I doubt taking a plane is very safe," Emily spoke. "She's right. We're going to have to go by road," I said with a hoarse voice. 

"Come over to my hide out first. We'll need to get you, all of you, ready for anything and everything. Chloe knows where it is," and with that the line went dead.

Chloe got up from her armchair, "Good thing Nyx made us pack up in advance. This is going to be a long ride to hell."

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