Chapter 11: Talking With Jonghyun

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Okay I know you guys are probably hating me at the moment because you've expected me to update by now and yes I am very sorry but I have been a little stressed and not in the mood for writing but now I will start updating unfortunately I have to delay again due to a family vacation coming up and also I only had this chapter written out so I will now start after to this chapter to free write. Again thanks for the reads and enjoy the chapter!! Excuse my grammer erros my editor has not been feeling well for the past day so I didn't want to bother her while she's sick. Editor Fighting!!

Chanyeol P.O.V

After I had left Isabella to rest in the nurses office, I made my way towards class 3, to look for Jonghyun. Luckily we were on break our third class break to be exact. As I made my way up the hall I saw Jonghyun walk towards my direction. "Yah!! I heard Isabella fainted. How is she?!? Is she going to be okay?!?! Where is she!?!?" he asked. "Jonghyun!" I raised my voice. "Look I know you're her boyfriend and all but, it doesn't mean I can't worry about the person I love!" he said. "JONGHYUN!!' I said getting really mad. "LOOK IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, THEN I SUGGEST YOU SAY IT RIGHT NOW, BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. So start talking" he said in a very demand voice. I decided to remain calm and ignore what he just said and do what is best for Isabella at the moment. "Isabella wants to talk to you and straighten this whole situation out." He looked at me with watery eyes. "Look I know you lover her, but you have to understand I love her and I would do anything for her. If you truly are her friend like you say you are then you would go to the nurses office and talk to her." I said. "I don't know if I can!" Jonghyun said while tears rolling down his eyes. I started to get mad at the fact he couldn't do one simple thing for my Isabella. "GOD DAMINT JONGHYUN!! MY GIRLFRIEND JUST FAINTED BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT SURE WHETHER TO RISK LOSE A FRIEND FOREVER OR LEAVE THE PERSON SHE LOVES." I said crying of the thought of Isabella leaving me. "Look I don't know if I can talk to her because all I've done as a friend is hurt her. Not only did I physically hurt you but I emotionally hurt her as well." Tears were running down his face. "I don't know if I will be able to look into her eyes without regretting all the pain I've caused her and for being in the state she is in now." I stood quiet and very still, I realized how bad he must have felt over the situation, "Look, I'll try to talk to her. D-D-Do you know where the nurses office is at?" he asked. "I'll show you the way." I replied. For some reason I felt some type of tension was being released. 

(I will start using the nickname Izzy as it was mentioned in the other chapter!!)

Izzy P.O.V

I was still in the nurses office but, I really wanted to leave. I was feeling better actually. I was thinking of talking to Jonghyun after P.E class, I hope he doesn't walk away agai-"Hey sweetie are you feeling better?" the Nurse asked. "Yea..I'm feeling a lot better" "Well I don't see why you can't go back to class." "Oh...okay." "You can go back to class now, I'll write you a pass." she said. "Thank you" I said while bowing at 90 degrees. "Here you go! By the way if you have P.E today you should avoid any running, I wrote down to excuse you from any high impact activities on your pass in case your teacher doesn't believe you." she said. "Oh...arasso." I said. "Have a nice day and get plenty of rest at home." she said. I grabbed my stuff and left the office. My legs were acting stupid, they were all wobbly that I could hardly keep my balance. I regained my strength and headed towards my classroom. It will feel weird walking in there, having eyes on you as if you killed 10 people in the time you were gone. My teacher from my previous period. "Isabella, are you feeling better?" she asked. "Yes, much better" I said. "Well you better go change into your gym clothes because your class is in gym at the momment. Also I had your homeroom teacher called your mom and let her know the situation." she said. "Oh.. thank you, I appreciate it." I said. "Well it's a good thing I saw you so I could tell you. Well I won't take anymore of your time. Hope you feel better" she said. "Nae." I said while bowing.  I hurried towards my classroom, when I reached my desk, I saw a note on top and it was from Chanyeol.

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