Chapter 15

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*** Well hello there! Im back since it is summer time! And LOK! A new chapter for you guys! Filled with bits of juicyness I'd say ;D. Anyways hope that you all enjoy it and tahnk you so so much for supporting me and this story. You guys are the best <3 VOTE AND COMMENT! I Respond TO ALL*** ENJOY!

Chapter 15 

I started to dial Caz's number when I got near the door, looking back at Kyle to give him a nod and a smile to say that everything is okay. He took the cue and started pouring the hot water into the mugs for our tea. When I got outside I held the phone against my face and shoulder to hold in place while I put on my jacket. The phone kept ringing and ringing. "Pick up the dang phone Caz!" I mumbled angrily into the phone shivering and walking down to the bottom step to sit on.  

"Excuse you miss, you don’t have to be so rude." It was Caz...Of course he would pick up the phone right when I mumbled that. 

"Well you're the one who waited until the last possible ring before voice mail buddy. And you called literally like a minute ago and you took this long to answer. So excuse you." I said with a laugh and a sarcastic tone. 

"I thought it may have been kyyyleeee calling me back." He said stressing out his name in a annoying whiny tone of voice. Ooo so this is what jealous Caz sounds like I thought in a sassy tone in my head...Or so I thought. "I'm not jealous Grace. Get over yourself." When he said that I hung up the phone but first said jack ass. Maybe that will teach him a lesson, hmph.  

A minute or two later the phone rang again. I picked it up without thinking to look at the caller ID, knowing that it would be Caz calling me back from me hanging up on him. So I decided to answer it all cheeky and such. "Aww poor baby had to call me back. Hope you learned your lesson boy." I said with a small chuckle. 

"I was just about to say the same thing to you Grace." I froze mid chuckle and nearly dropped my phone from my hand... Caz wasn’t the one who called me... It was the same voice as before who has been telling me to stay away from Caz. 

I slowly got up from the step and went down the driveway to get farther away from the house. "Who are you... And what do you want with me?" I asked raising y voice slightly trying to control the shake in my voice. It did no good, the shake came threw and made them laugh. "I'm serious. This is really not a joke. I have a cop a few meters from me in my house who is staying with me." 

"Oh Gracie, darling. We all know you're a little scared chicken who knows better then that. You involve the cops or ANYONE!" They yelled, "and you wont hear let alone see Caz again. You're a pig. Caz loves you and you're just going with that Kyle guy." I gulped at that. "Yes, that’s right. I. Know. His. Name. So stay away from Caz and I'll leave him, and your dear sweet Kyle alone. But if you don’t, or involve the cops? Well lets just say Caz wont be there when you try and kill yourself. And Kyle? Well he may get in...well there may just be a little accident with him. Do you understand." I nodded my head while my eyes were shut and a few tears came from my eyes from me imagining what this per- no. This monster would do to Caz or Kyle. "Good. Talk soon Grace." And they hung up... 

I started walking back up the driveway to the house whipping my tears away so Kyle wouldn’t see and question me on them. Then I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around when I got to the steps and spoke aloud to myself. "Wait... How did they know I agreed to be quiet. I only nodded... I didn’t speak." And with that I ran down the driveway and looked down the street to the end of the block. And standing at the stop sign was somebody in all black. They waved then ran off.  

Scared and freaked out of my mind I turned around and walked back to the house. I turned off my phone and put it in my jacket pocket. I was not risking having that person call me back. No thank you, I've had my fair share of freak outs in the past short while. I got to my front door and took a few deep and slow breaths to slow my racing heart, that feels as if it's about to rip out of my chest, before going back into the house to face Kyle. What should I say? Or should I say nothing and just sit down? I don’t know! 

I opened the door and jumped straight up, Kyle was right there and I didn’t expect it at all. "Are you okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost or something." He said with a chuckle and a smile that could make straight men swoon over him.  

"Well you did just scare the crap out of me Kyle." I said going past him towards the kitchen. Frankly happy that he startled me to use it as an excuse for looking so pale and distraught. I got to my seat and took a gulp of tea. Totally forgetting that it would still be super hot, causing me to burn my tongue.  

"You know tea is hot Grace." He said with a sly chuckle and a wink while staring at me as I hold my in pain tongue between my fingers. I pushed my tea aside and went to the sink to drink some water. I didn’t even care about getting a mug, I just stuck my mouth under the tap. When I finished I turned the tap off and whipped my mouth off on my sleeve. But I was met with a grip around my forearm and was spun around, causing me to make a little mouse like noise, and to be met against Kyle's strong chest. My hand resting on his upper chest as I slowly looked up to meet his gaze. He moved my hair out of my face that got there from him spinning me around with his hand, causing me to look down and blush. He pulled my face back up to meet his gaze and then he kissed me, he kissed me ever so softly on the lips and then left the room and up the stairs to his room. Closing the door behind him. 

I stood there in that same spot in front of the sink with my hand on my lip where he kissed me. It was so sudden it took me by surprise. I had no time to react or to kiss him back overly much either. It was so soft and gentle, but filled with passion out of the spur of the moment. I wonder why he did that? Guys are so confusing! I should just go to bed and forget about all of this. 

***Sooo...What did you guys think? And what team are you on? Or have you switched teams at all? o: Post your opinion or what ever you want below! I LOVE responding to people and their thoughts/comments/opinions. Stay Tuned for more! <3 Love you all!***

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