Chapter 10

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OMG what is this? That's right! a new chapter !!! wahooo!!! i made this one nice and long for you guys.... so BE HAPPY >< Also in this chapter we get a new character :D SO READ, VOTE, And most inportant... ENJOY!!!

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

When I work up from my lovely nap I decided I was way too comfortable still to get up. So I just stayed there on my leather couch looking up at the ceiling and just thinking. Thinking why this is all happening. The creepy stalker, Caz telling me he loved me and everything else I could think about. It’s weird there not being Caz to talk to… Maybe I’ll call him… He did call me earlier and left a text. Yah maybe I will call him. But not yet it’s still really early. By the time I got home it was still only 8AM. Then apparently my nap wasn’t as long as I thought it was… It went only to 8:30AM. So I have time to kill, but what to do? Read? Draw? Listen to some music? No I know what I’ll do. I’ll go for a nice jog through the town, see how far I can get.

So it was settled, I got dressed, grabbed my phone and was out the door. I can worry about the picture when I call Caz. Oh maybe I should check my text he sent me.

Taking out my cell phone while jogging down the sidewalk isn’t as easy as it may seem so I slow down to a walk. Oh and look I was right the text is from Caz.

“Hey Grace we need to talk, something weird came in the mail at my uncle’s and I think you’d like to know about it. I think it’s to do with the person that’s been messing with you… I guess it’s my turn to be mess with more now. Call me.”

I should call him a bit later on though since it’s only just after 8:30 in the morning. So I put my phone back in my pocket and started to jog again down my street and off towards my schools direction.

As I’m passing the school I see that there are a group of teenagers around my age playing soccer on the field. So I watch as I jog past and notice they stopped playing soccer and stared in my direction. So naturally I look around to see if they’re just looking at anyone else that could be around me. But there was only me and someone far off in the distance. Why are they watching me? Do I have something on me? No I don’t so why are they staring at me?

So I probably being a complete idiot start to jog towards them. The whole time they keep watching me as I’m jogging towards them. When I got there I realized that they are at least 6 foot, maybe even taller! So I look up at the guy that looks like the “leader” standing in the middle of them.

“Hey why were you staring at me like that?” I demanded with my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face that showed I wasn’t joking around.

“We weren’t looking at you babe.” Seriously they’re going to be like this! Seriously!

“Oh really. First off DON’T! you dare call me babe. And second, yeah sure you all” I said pointing at them. “Stopped what you were doing and looked in my exact direction and moved your gaze as I jogged on! So don’t pull the ‘oh we weren’t looking at you’ shit.” I was furious. Not that they were looking at me, but they called me babe and lied right to my face.

“Yo chick calm down! We just thought you looked familiar. That’s all. Aren’t you the girl who had the gun and such in your locker?” Oh so that’s what it is, they want to laugh at me. Great.

“Yes that ‘chick’ would be me, why?” Just get on with it already.

“Oh someone left this for you at your desk in class the other day.” Oh yeah! That’s right! He’s in my Art class! I think his name is Joe or something like that. So he pulls out an envelope and hands it to me.

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