Chapter 11

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*** Okay.... I know its a few minutes past 12 DX please dont hate me... I made this chapter REALLY long for you guys... so no hating!!!! So here it is :D there are some new faces in this chapter :D SO ENJOY!!! ***

Chapter 11

When I woke up it wasn’t from normal causes. I heard a crash in my kitchen, like something broke or was tossed. So I carefully and as quietly as possible I got out of the tub and put on my robe. Keeping the music on, just in case if there is a person in the house they wouldn’t know I knew. I tried walking carefully, not to make the floor board’s creek to get to my room. When I got there I went and quickly put some clothing on and grabbed my Union Jack handled, letter opener. Next was to get downstairs… Which will be difficult, since my stairs are the worst for being creaking. We really should get them new stairs soon… But before that, we should get some food in the fridge.

As I carefully descended tiptoeing down the stairs, there was more crashing. But it was in the living room now… My heart must have been pounding and beating like a humming bird, because I think I could hear it. I’m finally at the bottom of the stairs and decide to go to the kitchen before having to face the intruder. I could hear them causing a commotion in the living room, I’m scared. When I work up the nerve to make a dash from my stairs to the kitchen I nearly trip over a pot on the ground. But luckily I just avoided it. No way would I want to be caught by the intruder.

The kitchen is a mess. All the things I bought and put in the fridge are all over the counter tops and the floor. Every cupboard is open and half the plates, cups, and vases are smashed on the floor. Even the cutlery and everything that was in draws are scattered around the place. This is going to take forever to clean up and replace. I sighed…

There was no more loud noises coming from the living room… except the sound of big boots walking and they were coming closer towards the kitchen. I heard pictures smashing and breaking to the floor and the sound of glass being crushed beneath a boot. Quickly and quietly I tried to get behind my kitchen island… But I kicked a knife into a big pot…

“Is anybody here?” Yelled a big burly man’s voice. Okay now I’m really, really scared… So I picked up my phone and dialled 9-1-1. A female operator answered within the first few rings.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” She asked in a way to peppy voice for her job. So I whispered as quietly as I could.

“There’s someone in my house…” Then next thing  know I’m being yanked up from the ground by my hair. I let out the loudest, blood curdling scream imaginable and dropped the phone from my hand letting it hit the floor with a thud. I reached towards my head to feel a massive hand around a bunch of my hair.

“Hey pretty girl. Want to have some fun?” Said the man in a whisper in my ear, than laughing manically. All I could do was cry. I was way too scared to do anything else. Or so I thought. My foot reacted swiftly by swinging forward then backwards full force, right into his family jewels. I must of hit him pretty good because in an instant he let go of my hair and was doubled over in pain on the ground. So I took my chance. I grabbed my phone and ran for my life up to my room and locked the door. Out of breath I put the phone to my ear and started talking.

“Are you still there?” I asked through my tears and out of breath voice.

“Yes sweaty. Help is on the way, they should be there shortly. Are you okay? Is the person still in your home?”  Replied the operator.

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