Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Caz explained that once he got my text in class he was so worried that he had to leave so he could try and find me A.S.A.P. first he tried the park we would always go when we were little, then the library which if I didn’t get that call he could of found me there. But as you know I ran to the woods. Apparently I dropped one of my books by the sidewalk right outside the library. It was one of my favourite books. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. He then remembered that I always said how when I’m older that I’d love to live in a cabin in the forest. Or at least have a cottage. So that’s where he headed, the forest at te edge of downtown. And that’s how he found me.

As we walked around in the forest the questions started coming.

“Why did you run away?”

“I was scared.” I said looking down feeling ashamed.

“But why Grace? What would make you run away… Or who…”

Right then and there I started to cry. The person said that something bad would happen to him if I went near him… I don’t want to know what they would do if they knew that I was talking to him…

All Caz could do was wait it out and comfort me in one of his amazing comforting hugs that just screamed “I won’t ever leave your side again.” Oh how I missed those hugs.

After a few minutes of me sobbing my emotions out and Caz saying everything would be okay and how he’s not leaving I stopped crying. I think it’s time to catch Caz up on what has happened.

“Okay Caz you may want to sit own to hear all of this.” I said sniffling and whipping my last few tears away with the sleeve of my shirt. Caz motioned for me to sit next to him on a tree log that he found but I knew if I say down id never tell him what’s happened and I would cry some more. So I stood and started to explain to him about both my creepy phone calls I got in the past while.

“Wait so if you even so much as talk to me someone is going to harm me?” he said a bit confused.

“That’s what the caller said. But how could they hurt you?” that has been puzzling me since they called. How on earth were they going to hurt Caz?

“Wait the caller said they were making sure you didn’t go to class… Does that mean they have been watching me all day?” Caz said with a worried look on his face.

“It’s possible… But Caz if they saw you leave the school… couldn’t they of followed you… here.” I said gulping suddenly nervous that someone may be watching us. Maybe they have been watching us the whole time…

Then all of a sudden we heard a twig snap in the distance.

“Grace did you hear that?” Caz said slowly getting up from the tree log trying to make as little noise as possible. Then there was another snap of a twig… But it was closer than the last one I’m sure of it. Tears were building in my eyes and that’s when I felt a tug on my left arm. It was Caz he was pulling me along as we ran. I knew it wasn’t a smart thing to look back. You see it in all the horror movies. But beside my better judgement I took a quick enough glace backwards to see something… Or someone out of the corner of my eye. It was a dark silhouette. They weren’t following is but it was enough to make me run faster so I could get out of the woods as soon as possible.

My vision was blurry from the tears of fear streaming down my face. Someone followed Caz to the forest and was watching, listening to us. And I don’t think it was just a jogger out for a jog… I think it was the same person that called me those two times. I was almost certain of it.

I ended up beating Caz out of the forest but I think it was from what I saw. But once we got out on to the road and took a breather I could tell from the look in Caz’s eye and the look on his face that he was thinking the same thing I was. We weren’t alone in the forest and that the person who called me was watching us. Caz was scared but not as scared as e will be once I tell him what… no who I saw behind us while we ran. Neither one of us are safe. Who knows if we will ever be alone. And who knows if and when we are being watched.

*** SOOOO you hate me dont you Dx oh how i knew this day would come... you do but you want more? :D yaaaay (i probably sounded like a nutty there... oh well :D) Stay tuned to find out what happens with Caz and Grace. Will she tell him about who she saw in the forest ? ;D *** 

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