Chapter 1

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It was a strange town with a strange name, a name unable to be pronounced by anyone outside. But they all knew how to pronounce it, as if their tongues held the secret formula hidden deep within their chromosomes, within the water that ran through their cells. Even though most days they simply couldn't remember what it was called.

Warnings, warnings everywhere that weren't spoken and weren't looked upon. Don't go out at night, don't look out your windows. Don't look them in the eye: they don't like that, they see it as a sign of disrespect. Don't try getting out, don't try driving off. You'll end up right back here, right back at the welcome sign that never seemed to get new costumes.

The biggest unspoken, the one feared by many. You shouldn't swim in Lake Erie, you shouldn't touch its green waters and unknown depths. Percy had seen people, all the same, far away in the water. Sometimes he thought other people saw, too, but it remained unspoken.

Something was out there. Something...

It was a strange town with a strange name.

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