Chapter 1 : Time to Dance

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Ryan's POV

My job's alright.

We don't get many customers here, it's pretty quiet. If no one's in the store, we sometimes get to mess about on the instruments. It gets pretty boring, I guess, when you can't. Sometimes you'll be stood around for hours waiting for a customer.

Today is one of those days.

My boss, Dan, had some rock on quietly to drown out the silence.

Ahh, a customer at last.

A fairly short kid walked in. Or at least he was shorter than me. I couldn't tell. Or was I looking into it too far?

"How can I help you, kid?" I chirped. Was that too soon?
God Ryan you're not asking him out calm down. You're straight anyway.

"I'm just gonna mess about on some instruments if that's alright."
Phew. He doesn't think I'm crazy. Or does he but he's just too nice? I'm overthinking it again!

"K, just don't break anything. I'll be in the back if you need anything. Just gimme a shout."

"Will do. Thanks man."

He gives a slight nod and looks around. I walk into the back and hide behind the door. I have nothing to do. I just want to listen to that kid.
Why, Ryan? Why do you care so much? He's just another customer, nothing new.

Oh. My. God. Beautifully smooth piano melodies float through the air into the back room. Is that him? Jesus.
They stopped. I hear a frustrated huff, before footsteps as the kid walks to another instrument. Or is it to leave? RYAN! Stop!
Guitar chords drift through again. Phew, he didn't leave.
Why do you care Ryan?! Just another customer, and you're STRAIGHT.
Upbeat chord progressions carry on for about half an hour before I come back out.

"Hey kid. We're closing now, sorry. You'll have to leave. You can come again anytime." I feel so bad. I have to kick out this kid now but he's so good. I see his face sadden, but quickly lighten up again.

"Hey," he squints at my name tag. It's smudged. "Ryro? Don't call me kid, k? The names Brendon."
He called me Ryro. Ryro.

"Noted. Nice to meet you Brendon. I'm Ryan, but you can call me Ryro if you want."
Is that too forward? Nicknames? Already?

"Right. Ryro it is then," he smiled. Thank god.

"See you around then."

"Bye," he muttered as he left the shop. The tinkle of the bell fluttered as he left. It seemed to suit him perfectly. I raised my hand in a pathetic attempt at a wave and prepared to lock up.

"See you around, Brendon," I mumbled to myself.

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