Chapter 3 : I Constantly Thank God For Brendon Urie

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Ryan's POV

My eyes twitch and drift open. I let out a yawn and stretch a bit. I roll over and check my phone. It's 12:17pm.

Brendon: Hey Ryro, you coming?
Sent 11:03am

Brendon: Ryan?
Sent 11:58am

2 Missed Calls : Brendon💖


Leaping out of bed, I grab a Nirvana shirt and some black skinny jeans to throw on. I wander into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I put on some black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow, and straighten my hair, making sure it's messy. Perfect.

I head to the door, grabbing a pop tart on the way.

Ryan: On my way x
Sent 12:24pm


I hear the familiar jingle of the bell as I burst into the store. Brendon's head shoots up. He's sat on a seat in the corner with a guitar sat on his lap. He sees me in the doorway and grins. I smile back.

"Hey Brendon!"


"Sorry I missed your messages..."

"Yeah, it's fine. You look like you just woke up."

"I hoped you wouldn't notice," I reply rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ah well. What d'you wanna do?"

Hmm. Do I wanna play, get close, go out...?

"Did you say you could play piano?"
Let's just hope.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you teach me a bit?"
Oh god I hope so.

"Yeah, sure!" Brendon leaps up and runs to the piano. He plops down on the bench and pats the space next to him. I get up and walk over, hesitantly sitting next to him. His arm brushes mine. I shiver at the touch.

He teaches me All The Small Things by blink-182 and we're doing really well. We're playing together, I'm doing chords and he's doing melody.

"Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill, the night will go on, the night will go on, my little w-wind m-mill," we sing, but right at the end, our hands touch and I stutter. Brendon giggles lightly. I feel heat rush up to my cheeks.

"Hey, wanna go grab a coffee? I need to get up and move." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. God our faces are close. I could just kiss him. Right now. But I'm not going to.

"Yeah sure! Any place in mind?"

"Yeah actually. There's this little place down the road. No one really knows it so we'll probably have the place to ourselves."

"Ahh sounds fun. Let's go."
He stands up and starts to drift to the door. He turns to look at me and I realise I'm still sat down. His brow furrows, and I blush slightly, standing up to leave. I follow him out the door to the tinkle of the bell. It suits us best.


We arrive at a small corner coffee shop and find a window seat. A short, heavily-tattooed boy walks over.

"Hi, can I take your order?" He smiles weakly. I glance at his name tag. 'Frank.'

"I'll have a latte with a caramel shot, what d'you want, Ryro?"

"Uhh, I'll have a milky coffee, 2 sugars."

"Ok so one caramel latte and one milky coffee with 3 sugars."

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