Dragon island part 1

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The next day-

Hiccup's PoV-

It has been hard being chief after losing my father. It has been five months since his death and life as chief has definitely been a struggle but I have toothless, my mother and my friends to help me. You know when the twins aren't arguing and Snotlout isn't flirting with every girl that he sees. I am currently in the dragon training arena trying to get the gang to listen to me. "Guys be quiet I'm trying to tell you guys something." Like always Snotlout is looking at himself in the mirror, the twins are arguing over something stupid and fishlegs is more interested in his gronkle meatlug to pay attention to what I am saying. Like always it is only Astrid that is listening to me. Me and Astrid dated for a while but decided that it was better for us to just be friends and best friends at that. "SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO HICCUP."

The gang apart from Astrid stop what they are doing and turn and look at me. "Thank you Astrid and now what I was trying to say is that today we are going to go and try to find a new island to explore instead of training and my mother will be in charge of berk until we are back." The gang look at me as if to say really. "Yes really." "So wait your actually giving us a day off of training to go and find a new island," questions Snoutlout. "Yes," I said " how many times do I need to say it. " Yay this is so exciting," exclaimes Fishlegs whilst he runs around gathering up the book of dragons and other things he will need for the trip. " I wonder what we can find to blow up first," says tuffnut. " I bet I can find something cool to blow up before you can," says ruffnutt to her brother. " I bet you can't," says tuffnut. "Oh great there arguing again," I said to Astrid. " well what do you expect it's the twins," she's says.

Time skip to after the twins have stopped arguing-

We have been flying for around two hours and haven't found any new islands yet. "Can we stop somewhere and have something to eat because I'm hungry," complained Snoutlout. "Yeah Hiccup I'm bored," said Ruffnut. "Hey I was going to say that," said Tuffnut. "I'm more bored than you," shouted Ruffnut. " No I'm the boredest," shouted Tuffnut. "Your both boring," said Astrid whilst sniggering. "Come on guys we have only been flying for two hours and I feel that we are really close to finding a new island so stop whining." Toothless looks up at me if to say really. "Not you too toothless, I thought that at least you would have some faith in me."

"Hiccup can you imagine if we really find a new island and all of the new dragons that could be on it," fishlegs said excitedly. Fishlegs is the only one of my friends who shares as Astrid calls it my 'dork' side and i am grateful that I have a friend like him to geek out with over new discoveries. " Uh hiccup,"says Tuffnut. "Yes tuffnut," I say with a sigh. "I think I spot an island over there." He points and we all look to see were he is pointing and sure enough just below the clouds was an island and a beautiful island at that. "Wow, good eye tuffnut." "Yeah who would of thought that it would be tuffnut that found a new island," said Astrid. "Yeah if anyone was to find a new island it would be me," said Snotlout smugly. Astrid punches Snoutlout causing him to shout "OW stupid Astrid. Ruffnut high fives her brother. "Good work brother nut." "Why thank you sister nut."

We tell our dragons to hurry down to the island and we land on the beach. "Look, there are gronkles, deadly nadders, Monsterous nightmares, zipplebacks and terrible terrors," exclaims fishlegs excitedly. We all look to see all the types of dragons Fishlegs mentions flying around the island in complete harmony that is until a terrible terror spots us and roars out it's warning call making all of the surrounding dragons go into attack mode and surround us. "Hiccup what are we going to do, why are they going to attack us?" asks Astrid. "They must think we are the enemy, everyone drop your weapons. Toothless comes and stands in front of me whilst the gang's dragons stand in front of them to guard them. We drop our weapons and a monsterous nightmare comes up to toothless and they start having a conversation.

Toothless PoV-

The monsterous nightmare approaches me. I extend my scales along my back and they start to glow blue indicating to the monsterous nightmare and the other dragons that i am the alpha. " My name is Toothless, i am the alpha so I order you to stand down and to not hurt me or my pack including our riders. Me and my riders mean no harm to you." The monsterous nightmare looks at me but does not back down instead he says to me, " we have our own alpha on this island that we answer to and we will not be taking orders from dragons such as yourself who trust humans." " Please if I may I would like to speak to your alpha and as I said before humans mean no harm," I reply. "Lies! There is only one human who does not harm dragons and you will be fortunate enough to meet that one human because it belongs to the alpha and the alpha is on her way," the monsterous nightmare snarls. Only one human who doesn't harm dragons, that means that there is a human who lives on this island. Hopefully, they can get the dragons surrounding hiccup and his friends to not attack them.

Suddenly, there is rustling coming from the forest behind the monsterous nightmare. The monsterous nightmare moves out of the way to reveal...

Y/N PoV-

I was taking a nap in my cave with moonlight because I have had a busy morning healing dragons until I heard a terrible terror warning call. Me and moonlight jumped up from our 'beds' and ran to the sound of the call. Moonlight told me to stay behind her until we got to the location.

When we arrive at the location which was the beach moonlight told me to hid behind a bush until she said it was safe to come out. I reluctantly hid behind the bush but I was curious to see what was going on. Moonlight walked onto the beach and a monsterous nightmare moved out of her way to reveal another nightfury! A male nightfury! I thought moonlight was the only nightfury left. Moonlight froze in shock so I took this as an opportunity to sneak out from behind the bush. I went and stood next to moonlight and I noticed that the nightfury had other dragon friends and they were guarding a group of humans. It was then my turn to be shocked. All of the things moonlight told me about humans and how they would hurt and harm me and dragons came flooding into my mind. I took a step back hoping that the humans would not see me as they were looking at the dragons who were surrounding them. I kept moving backwards until I stood on a small seashell that cracked and the human that the male nightfury was guarding turned around and looked at me.

Oh no I'm in trouble now I thought.

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