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The next morning-


I wake with a heavy thing on my stomach. I open my eyes to find that moonlight in the night has climbed on the bed and is laying on me. I turn and look out of the window. It must still be early as the sun is only just coming up. I lay in bed thinking of all the nice things hiccup and his mother have done for me. I decide that I am going to make breakfast for them to thank them. I nudge moonlight to wake her up. She opens her eyes. I tell her my plan and she agrees. I slid out of bed and tiptoe out of hiccup's bedroom and down the stairs. I go into the living room/kitchen and see hiccup sleeping peaceful on the couch with toothless near him. I smile, he is so cute when he is sleeping. Moonlight nudges me and we continue our plan. We go outside and I pick some fruit and moonlight catches some fish. We come quietly back into the house and I start making breakfast. Moonlight acts as a look out in case someone's tries to see the surprise before it is ready.

Hiccup's PoV-

I wake up to toothless licking my face. "Aww toothless you know that doesn't wash out." I get up and go to the bathroom. Once I finally get toothless's saliva off of my face. I smell a delicious scent. I go into the kitchen to see my mother siting at the table and the princess cooking. "What is going on here?" I ask. Moonlight pushes me to a seat. I sit down. "The princess said she is cooking us breakfast for thanking us for what we have done for her." My mother tells me. I smile at how caring and kind the princess is. The princess puts a plate of cooked fish and fresh fruit in front of me and my mother. She gives moonlight and toothless some fish and then gets a plate of food for herself before sitting down. "It looks delicious i tell her." She smiles. We all start eating our breakfast. "You were right hiccup it is delicious." my mother says. "Princess do you think we can give you a different name?" I ask her. She nods and speaks dragonese. My mother tells me that she said that she would love a human name. "How about Y/N." She nods and smiles.

She speaks dragonoese again. "She is asking for us to tell her more about ourselves," my mother tells me. That's only fair I think as we asked her questions when we first met her. I tell her about how we used to fight dragons, how I meet toothless, how we killed the red death, how I met my mother, how we met Drago, how my father died and how we defeat the bewilderbeast. By the end of my story her jaw is dropped. "That's amazing hiccup." Me and my mother turn to look at Y/N. She said my name. "You said my name." She looks confused. " she must not realise that the last word of her sentence she said in our language and not dragonese." My mother says. Y/N looks shocked and happy with herself. "How about I stay home today and teach her our language," offers my mum. "That would be great mum." Y/N nods and seems to agree.

After we have all finished breakfast I take the dishes and wash them up. Once I have finished the dishes I go and get dressed. I come back downstairs and see that my mother has already started to try and teach Y/N are language as she is showing her drawings of things and is trying to get her to say what they are called. I grab my inferno and call toothless. "I'm going now to do my chief duties." "Ok bye son." I wave bye to my mum and Y/N. Y/N waves and smiles. I smile back. Toothless licks moonlight to say goodbye and he follows me out.

Time skip At the training arena-

"Finally hiccup you decide to turn up!" exclaimes Snoutlout annoyed.

"Yeah we've been here for over an hour!" Says Tuffnut.

"Who would of thought that we would be here before the mighty dragon master," says Ruffnut.

"Enough guys!" "Lets give hiccup the chance to explain why he was late," says Astrid

"Thanks Astrid, Y/N had made me and my mum breakfast to thank us for letting her come to berk and afterwards she said my name and mum is teaching her our language" I explain.

"Wow that's great she said your name! Wait who's Y/N?" questions Fishlegs.

"The princess, she let us give her a human name."

"Oh cool, Y/N that name really suits her," says Astrid

"Yeah because she seems kind and smart," agrees Fishlegs.

"Not to mention she is smoking hot like me," exclaims Snolout.

I found myself glaring at Snotlout after he called Y/N hot. I don't know why I can't like her after only knowing her for a short amount of time can I?

"Hiccup are you ok?" asked Astrid. Toothless nudges me. I turn to look at them both.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be."

"Well your hands are in fists and you look like you want to kill Snotlout which is unusual for you."

I look down at my hands and sure enough they were in fists. My knuckles were turning white from how hard I was clenching my hands.

"I'm fine Astrid. "Let's get on with training."

Time skip to after training-

Y/N PoV-

Valka has been teaching me her and hiccup's language all day. I am very grateful for her patience. I am currently walking to the training arena as I wanted to show hiccup how much of the language I have learnt and Valka told me where it was.

As I get to the entrance of the arena I hear the twins and Snotlout cheering because training is over. I head into the arena giggling at the twins and Snotlout's silliness. I spot hiccup and Astrid talking with there dragons close by. Moonlight decided to stay at hiccup's house.

"HICCUP," I shout.

"Y/N." "How are you?"


"So my mum is good at teaching then."


"Hey Y/N."

"Hi As..trid."

"So my mum's teaching could use some work."

"Hiccup give your mum a break, seems like Y/N can say simple words."

I nod. Then I remember I was going to ask Astrid about the weird feeling I had when I held hiccup's hand in the forge and when we hugged.

"As..trid me you talk."

"Oh sure Y/N. Let's go bye hiccup."

"Wait what?"

"Bye hiccup"

Astrid hopped onto Stormfly and held her hand out for me. I hopped on behind her and Stormfly took off into the clouds.

"Time for our girly chat."

"Yep," I said excitedly.

Hiccup's PoV-

I was annoyed when Astrid and Y/N took off as I wanted to continued to talk to Y/N to find out what other words she could say. And because I have made up my mind that I am falling in love  with her. When she walked into the arena she looked like the most beautiful girl I have ever seen as her h/c hair shone in the sun and her e/c eyes sparkled.

"Oh well toothless I will have to try and spend some more time with Y/N another time."

He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and stuck his tongue out as if to say go for it. We started walking home.

The Dragon Princess (Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now