The nightmare

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Y/N's PoV-
Why is it so hot in here! What is that smell? I ask myself as I am twisting and turning. Suddenly out of nowhere i hear "Princess where are you? HELP." I am woken up by a dragon shouting for help. I jolt up looking at my surroundings. No no this cant be. Everywhere i look all i can see is fire. Trees on fire, flowers on fire, even dragons on fire. I have sweat dripping down my face. The skies are filled with smoke. What has happened to my home? I sniff trying to keep my tears at bay. This cant be real. Where's hiccup wasn't i at his house on Berk? "WHAT IS GOING ON!" I shout. Spike and Mike come running over to me.
"Princess where were you? Asks Spike.
"The whole island is being destroyed" says Mike.
"And it is your fault." Adds Spike.
"I'm sorry i went to Berk with Hiccup." I sobbed.
"Yeah and you never came back and left us to die." Said Mike
"I didn't mean too I'm sorry." I cry trying to reach out to them.
"Don't touch us, you betrayed us all and besides its too late now."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
Suddenly Mike and Spike catch a light and go up in flames right before my eyes.
"MOONLIGHT" I stand up and start fighting my way through the smoke and flames in the direction moonlight's voice came from. I find her surrounded by fire. I try to get through the fire but I can't.
"Why did we not come back sooner?"
"I'm sorry moonlight."
"Just remember it was your fault." Was the last thing she said to me before she too went up in flames.
End of nightmare-

"Y/N wake up, wake up Y/N"
"Ahhh." I wake up in hiccup's room with sweat over my whole body and hiccup himself sat next to me looking very worried and moonlight at my side looking just as worried.
"Its ok Y/N your safe now." He says as he pulls me into a hug.
I don't hug him back and instead i start to cry. He holds me tighter. "We need to go back home," i tell moonlight in dragonese.
"Why princess?" Says moonlight.
I push hiccup away from me and run around the room collecting my belongings.
"Y/N what are you doing?.
"Go home, me need to go back home."
"Hold on Y/N," he says as he places his hand on my arm to stop me. "At least tell me what your nightmare was about."
"Fine but then me go."
Hiccup takes my hand and leads me back to his bed and i sit down and he proceeds to sit next to me but doesn't let go of my hand.
"When ever your ready." He says looking into my e/c eyes.
"I woke up home b-bu-u-t-t everything on fire," I say trying not to cry. "D-dragons on fire, t-trees on fire." Hiccup tights his hold on my hand. "Was my f-fault, me was not there to h-help." "So me need to go home." I say as a tear rolls down my face.
"Oh Y/N it wasn't your fault and it was only a dream." Hiccup says as he pulls me onto his lap and wipes my tear away. I try really hard not blush as I notice he doesn't have a shirt on but i can feel heat rushing to my cheeks.
"How you sure?"
"Because no one other than us has ever found your island."
"And you are too kind to let anything happen to dragons." He says as he holds me tight looking directly at my face. Is this the right time to kiss him, i feel like i should. He seems to care for me and he has some nice abs that I didn't know he had. I think as i run one of my hands over his abs. I wish Astrid was here.
"Y/N are you ok?'
"Yes sorry, me ok thank to you." I say as stop feeling his abs and kiss his check. His check goes red. That's impossible though. He doesn't like me does he?
"Your welcome Y/N." He says as he puts me back onto the bed.
"Are you ready to go back to sleep?"
"No me going back home." I tell him and start to get out of bed.
"Y/N he takes my hands and looks into my eyes. "It is pitch black outside and it is freezing, i will come with you tomorrow to go back to your island but please say here tonight."
"I promise Y/N."
"Ok" I say and he looks relieved and kisses one of my hands. Here comes my blush again. I climb back into bed and pull the covers over me.
"Night Y/N." Hiccup goes to leave but i grab his arm and pull him back.
"Sleep with me please?" I ask him shyly.
"What?" He says looking flustered.
"N-nightmare may come back."
"Ok Y/N i will stay."
"Yay" i say happily as i move over and hiccup climbs into bed with me.
"Thank you." I say to him as i roll over and close my eyes.
"Your welcome Milady." He replies. I feel his arms go around my waist as he pulls me closer to him. I feel his abs on my back. How many times tonight is he going to make me blush.
"Night Milady." He says as he kisses my forehead. Answer to my question before a lot.
"Night Hiccup."

Hey guys. Sorry for not posting for a while i had major writer's block. Hope you enjoy this new chapter.
:-) !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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