Chappy 2:

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~Alex's POV~

Before I go to bed I check my phone which I had left up in my poster-filled room. I had gotten a text from Josh. 


Josh- hey babe xx

3 hours later

Me- hii :) 

Josh- why didn't u answer when i texted? 

Me- i was watching my brother's band rehearse... sorry

Josh- oh. were u hanging out with that Michael dude?

Me- um yeah he's in my brother's band.. why?

Josh- I don't really like you hanging out with him. and whenever I'm around and he's around you pay more attention to him than me.

Me- well we can talk about this tomorrow aye? come round mine at noon?

Josh- as long as he's not there

Me- but he's hanging out with Luke.

Josh- then just come to mine. noon, okay?

me- um alright I'm going to bed love you <3 xx

josh- night love you x

And with that very awkward conversation i fell asleep uneasy.

*in the morning*

I was awoken to soft singing. I opened one eye and say Michael sitting next to me on my bed. when he noticed I was awake he stop singing and said "Good morning sleepyhead" with that adorable crooked smile. I was starting to get those butterflies again and almost started blushing but contained my enjoyment of the whole thing. "Why are you singing to me?" I asked in my croaky morning voice. He chuckled to himself and then said "Luke wanted to wake you up. Your boyfriend," he had a disgusted look on his face as he said the word boyfriend "called and said for you to be ready in an hour." "Oh ok. Thank you for being nice about waking me up." I said with a smile. "Anything for you love. Now i suppose you have to get ready for your date." He said looking slightly disappointed.

So i got up and went to the bathroom and took a quick refreshing shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair and makeup. I went back to my room and Michael had left. I got changed into Luke's old Nirvana shirt he had given me. Black jeans, black Vans and a black beanie. I put on my silver necklace that Michael had given me for my 13th birthday. Yeah, we've been friends for a long time. All of us actually. 

Josh was here and I kissed Luke on the cheek goodbye and said goodbye to all the guys. Michael had seen my necklace and as i hugged him he whispered in my ear almost nibbling my earlobe "You look amazing." He was smiling like an idiot which made me giggle. How cute was he! Josh grabbed my hand hard when he saw that I had been staring at Michael and practically dragged me out to his car. He got in and slammed his door shut. I got in and we started driving towards his. The whole car ride was filled with awkward silence and lots of tension. It was so thick you could cut it with scissors.

We finally arrived at Josh's house. We went to go to his room and as I sat on the bed he looked at me with anger. "What's wrong?" i asked him. "Oh nothing. Just the fact that you want to be with Michael more than with me." he spat. I looked down at my feet that hung off the side of his neat, made bed. I actually think I have feelings for Michael but A.) i don't know how he feels about me. B.) Luke is his best friend and my brother. I don't think he would like that very much.

"What?" i ask. "Oh don't play stupid. I heard what he whispered to you. I saw you staring at him. I Saw how you held him when you hugged. Who knows what else you're doing?" "I KNOW. I'M NOT CHEATING ON YOU. YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND! I THOUGHT WE TRUSTED EACH OTHER!" "I DID TOO BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG. I'M SORRY BUT I'M DONE. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. WE'RE OVER."  I was in tears by now. But deep down i know he's right. i just don't want to admit it. 

I ran home and ran straight up to my room. I'm so confused about how i feel. i was lying face down and i felt a hand on my back. When i look up i see a beautiful pair of green, hazel eyes staring straight at my grey, blue ones. "hi" i said weakly. *sniffle* "Hello there gorgeous." he says with a crooked smile. My heart Skips a beat when he does that. "what's wrong?" he asks very concerned. "It's just Josh. We broke up." i explain everything that happened. *sniffle* "Well he's just a jerk and you deserve someone way better than that low-life." with that i take a daring move. I lean up and kiss him.

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