xii. october thirty-first

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Johnny's friends were having a Halloween party and Imogen was invited. She wasn't dressed up, mainly because she didn't know if it was that type of party. It wasn't really a party either, just Johnny and his friends hanging out and going to the Nightly Double to watch Psycho.

Imogen never liked scary movies, nor would she even be able to hear it, but Imogen likes to hang out with Johnny so she couldn't say no.

She sat on the porch as she waited for him to come out of his own house. Imogen didn't see any lights on across the street nor did she see any cars. She waited a bit longer.

Finally, the boy approached Imogen, his friends following behind him. She grinned and waved at everyone. A few of them smiled and waved back as she grabbed her purse. Johnny offered her his arm and she looped her arm through his. She could feel Johnny laughing as they walked towards the movie house.

She watched the group of boys crawl through a hole in the fence, "C'mon," Johnny says tugging her hand.

Imogen slowly follows suit, brushing off her skirt as she stands. Johnny smiles and takes hold of her hand again.

She's squished in between Sodapop and Johnny, their shared tub of popcorn on her lap. Sodapop was leaning over her to talk to Darry who sat beside Johnny. Johnny had an arm around her chair and was grabbing handfuls of popcorn.

The movie started and everyone shushed each other. Imogen kept her focus on the screen, despite not being able to hear what was happening.

Johnny and Sodapop both jumped, causing Imogen to jump and send some of the popcorn flying. She tries not to laugh.

What did you think of the movie? Johnny writes when they're in the safety of her bedroom.

Fine. She replies.

I wish you could've known what they were saying.

Don't worry about it.

Imogen's mother finishes making up the bed on the floor and leaves the room, making sure to keep the door wide open. Imogen rolls her eyes and lays down on the floor.

Johnny glares at her from his spot on the bed but doesn't protest.

I'm just an updating god rn

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