xiii. november twenty-fifth

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Imogen had invited Johnny over for thanksgiving as well as his friends. Her parents were excited to meet the people who actually tried to get to know their daughter. They kept rushing around the house to make sure everything was perfect because "Imogen has never had many friends over."

She was getting annoyed with all the running around and settled for sitting outside on the porch swing. Her cat who was sleeping peacefully on the swing jumped up and ran inside as she sat down. Imogen frowns and begins to swing slowly back and forth, waiting for her friends to arrive.

Sodapop was the first to arrive. She hugged him as he walked up the porch steps, hands in his jeans pockets. He takes a seat beside her on the swings, telling her the gang was following somewhere behind him and that they probably got distracted.

It wasn't long until Johnny and Ponyboy showed up, he rest trailing far behind them. Imogen grins when seeing Johnny and leaves her spot next to Sodapop.

"Hi!" She signs excitedly. Both boys sign it back.

She hugs Johnny tightly before doing the same to Ponyboy (just not as long).

As soon as the others file onto the porch she leads them inside where her parents were still rushing around.

"Oh...they're already here?" Her mother signs, then wipes her hands on her apron.

Imogen nods and steps aside.

"Hi, I'm Mae Anson," The woman greets shaming each boys hands and repeating their names when they introduce themselves. "And I know you, Johnny!" She grins and the boy flushes.

Imogen finally leads them away from her overwhelmed mom to the living room, sitting on the floor as they all pile onto the couches. Johnny settles next to her, his knee pressed to hers.

She watched them joke and talk, Johnny occasionally repeating a funny one to her so she doesn't stay out of the conversation.

Johnny stands suddenly, startling her. Imogen looks up at him and he offers his hand. "Sorry," He says, "Time to eat."

Imogen nods and follows behind them. Her mother holds her back as she goes to get food, telling her that guests always go first. Imogen rolls her eyes but waits patiently.

She squeezes her way in between Johnny and Sodapop. Johnny smiles at her and scoots over a little bit to allow her to sit. Sodapop was too busy talking to Steve.

They were all laying around outside despite the cold weather. Imogen could see her breath every time she breathed out. She was focused on the stars slowly beginning to appear, not paying attention to the boys around her. The only reason she knew they were still there would be when Johnny would laugh and his shoulder would bump hers.

They all began to leave later, as it grew even darker. Almost all of them hugged her goodbye, Dally settled for a pat on the shoulder. She waved as they walked down the side walk, Johnny lingered by her side.

"Bye," He signs, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Imogen smiles, "Bye."

She hugs him longer than she hugged the others. He pulled away first and made his way across the street. Imogen waited until he was inside his house before going into her own.

November 25th 1965
We celebrated thanksgiving together.

signs | j. cadeWhere stories live. Discover now