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A sound of something breaking~

I've always been abused by my father.

My mother?


My father said it was my fault my mother died. She loved me more than anything in this world. She said I should always remember that there will be people that will always love me.


Why were they never there for me?

I awake from sleep~

My father?

He never loved me. I was just his 'toy'. Nothing important. A useless toy. Just something to play with that's all. He would always come home late from work drunk. He never thought of me as a son. Just a worthless piece of shít. After my mother passed away he started to rape me. I felt disgusting. I just wanted to live a happy life.

Is that too much to ask for?

A sound full of unfamiliarity~

It started when I was seven. He didn't do anything bad to me at first. He would just throw glass bottles at me and harshly hit me. I had no one to turn to. I tried telling my friends but they told me I was lying. By the time I turn eleven the tables started to turn. He started to rape me.

"Come here you slut." He said. "What do you mean dad!?" I said not wanting to get hit with another bottle. He roughly kissed my lips. I tried to push him away but the weak eleven year old I was, there was nothing I could do. I was terrified wanting to scream for help. He started to unbutton my shirt. I tried to tell him to stop while pushing him away but he just smacked me. "YOU INPATIENT BITCH." He screamed. I whimpered as he started to make his way to my neck. He sucked it until it was purple. He bit my neck and shoulder until he made his way down to my chest. He licked my chest until he reached my lower stomach. He started to unbuckle my pants. As I tried to stop him he slapped my cheek. "STOP MOVING!" He yelled as he pulled down my pants. He then slowly took off my boxers. He grabbed my member and put a cock ring on it as he turned it on. "What are you doing?" I said. He told me to lay down on my stomach and spread my legs. As the dumb eleven year old I was. I obeyed. I soon feel him put a cold substance around my hole. Before I can say anything I felt him enter me. He trusted and thrusted into me. Last thing I remember was me passing out.

Try to cover my ears but can't go to sleep~

After the years pasted by he started doing the same routine. I started to become more aware of what he was. A monster. I was now fourteen. To be honest, I still am terrified.

I heard the front door open. I knew he was coming. I sprinted over to my door and locked it. I laid down on my bed while covering my ears ignoring his calls. "Taehyung~" He called. I heard him at my front door. My anxiety rose up. It disgusted me how he can do this. As I heard footsteps walking towards his room I was a little less worried. I had passed one night. Who knows how much more I have to go through?

The pain in my throat gets worse~

I don't want to live anymore! I'm moving to a new high school tomorrow. Bangtan S. High School. Wonder what other bullies they have. I'm not excited nor happy. I don't want to speak to anyone. I probably will be called the same things. Ugly, fat, pig, disgusting, burden, and the list keeps going.

Try to cover it~

I walked into my new class. I see all eyes on me. 'Great job, Taehyung! You finally stand out! You ugly person.'The voice tells me. This short guy walks up to me with a sweet smile. "Hello, I'm Park Jimin! I hope we can be great friends!" He smiled warmly. I don't know if I should take chances. Instead, I nodded.

I don't have a voice~

The whole day I was bombarded with questions. All I did to answer was nod or shake my head. "Why don't you talk?" A smart looking guy asked. I shrugged. I didn't like to talk. Most people say I sound horrible. So, I believed them. So, I really never talk. No one really cares about me though. The voice is my only 'friend'.

Today, I hear that sound again~

As I left to go to the house I live in ,my anxiety rose up. I was terrified. I never really liked to call it my home. Home is where your suppose feel safe. I walked up to the door. I should feel scared. I heard he didn't have work today. I heard the sound of glass breaking in there. The sounds that I heard as a child. I ran away not wanting to face the things anymore.

It's ringing again, that sound~

I ran to where ever my feet could take me. I sat down on the ground. I think of the things he did to me. I'm weak. I can't do anything. All I'm good at is being my father's toy. I look at my surroundings. How did I run this far?

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