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*3rd person POV*




"What do you mean by 'okay'?" "Did I say it out loud?" "Yeah..." "Are you feeling well?" "My head hurts." "Rest." Taehyung nods his head trying his to forget about the voice. He laid down.
"Everything's spinning. My legs hurt. It's getting harder to breathe." "Should we call the doctor, Jin hyung...?" "Taehyung ah, just follow me. Breathe in and breathe out."

"We'll never give you a rest, Taehyung."

'Are you doing this?' Taehyung asked the voice.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

Taehyung's breathing became uneven. "J-Jin Hyung what do we do?" "I-I don't know." At this point Seokjin thought Taehyung was going to die. "We need a doctor!" Jeongguk screamed. After at least 3 minutes after he yelled the doctors came. "We gave him sleeping medicine to calm him down. After he wakes up try giving him water." Taehyung was sleeping. He looked calm. Or that's what they thought. They didn't know he was suffering. Suffocating in depression. "I-I'm sorry, mom." Taehyung said as tears started to form. "What does he mean by that?" " I don't know."

After a few hours pass by Taehyung eventually woke up. "Hyung?" He looked around the hospital room. He saw Jeongguk sleeping on Jimin. And Jin was right next to Taehyung. Jin groaned when he was moved. "Hmm. Namjoon leave me alone you can copy my homework later. Let me sleep." "Sorry, Jin Hyung." "Since when do you say sorry?" Seokjin said while rubbing his eyes. "Oh, crap I forgot we were here." "Sorry, I must have woken you up." "That's fine, Taehyung ah." "No, it's my fault that you're here. If I didn't listen to the—." Taehyung realized he was saying too much. "What do you mean? Who told you to do what?" Seokjin questioned the poor boy. "I-I." Taehyung struggled to find the right words to cover up his mistakes. "Hey, Jin hyung stop screaming." Jeongguk said while putting his face on Jimin's shoulder. "What time is it anyways." Seokjin said as he was looking out the window. "Maybe 4 or 5." "Wake up Jimin." Seokjin said "Sure." Jeongguk replies as he pushed Jimin off of his chair. "I don't want to go to school." "Ugh, Jimin wake up." "No." "Wake up or else." "Or else what?" "Or else I'll pour water on your face." "Mhm, I'll wake up in a minute." "Here Taehyung drink water." Seokjin said as he handed the bottle of water to Taehyung. "Are you feeling better?"

'Am I feeling better?' Taehyung thought.
'No, I'm suffering. Save me."

"Yeah. I'm fine." "Are you sure?" " Yeah." "Do you want to go to your house?" "I don't want to go today. Maybe tomorrow." "Okay." "Does that mean we can skip school again?" "Yes, Jeongguk." Seokjin said as he rolled his eyes. "Are you being serious." "Yeah, sure. Now go get food." Seokjin said to Jeongguk. "Hmm, fine." "Want me to go with you?" Jimin asked. "Unless you want to trip on everything then sure." "You can't speak right." "You can't grow right." "YOU LITTLE—" "Is this normal?" Taehyung asked. "Seems pretty normal to me." "Oh, okay."

After what felt like hours, the two boys stopped fighting. "Well did you guys finish?" "For now." Jimin replied. "Now, hurry up and go get food I'm starving." "You're always starving, Jin Hyung." "SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO GET THE FOOD YOU TWO." "Sure." Jimin said as he and Jeongguk walked out of the room. "Sorry, Taehyung." "It's fine. That was really funny though."

After Jimin and Jeongguk got their food, they both slept on the chairs. "These two are so lazy." "Well, they did get the food." "You do have a point." "Let's eat!"

"That was great." Seokjin said as he threw the plastic plate away. "Yep." "So do your parents know that you're here." "N-No." "Shouldn't you tell them." "I don't want to." "Do you have a bad history with them." Taehyung didn't answer. "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." "It's fine." "My mom died when I was little. It's my fault though. If I would've stayed by her side, she would be here. It's my fault. My dad doesn't love me. He used to. Now, he just blames me for everything. H-he abused me. He r-raped me." Taehyung was now sobbing on Seokjin's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I should have known Taehyung."

'You're making them worry now.'

'You're making a fool out of yourself.'

'You're disgusting, Taehyung.'

'You let your secret out.'

'They'll just send you to a metal hospital.'

"Taehyung." Taehyung looked up at Seokjin. "He's a monster. How long has he been doing this." "Since I was seven he started abusing me. When I turned eleven, he raped me." Seokjin hugged Taehyung tighter. "Why are you crying, Seokjin?" "I'm crying because I wish I could be there. I want to protect you. It's just sad." "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." Seokjin wiped his eyes as he got of Taehyung's bed. "Do you still want to go to his house?" "No, but I have to." "Why?" "Or else he'll find me and do something worse." "I'll walk you there later on today, okay." "But he'll know if I went to the hospital." "Not if I told him Namjoon kicked your leg on accident." "A bruise can not look this bad." "Yes, it can." Seokjin said as he lifted his pants up. "It hurts, but I did forgive Namjoon." "You did something." "Well now he owes me lunch everyday." "That seems fair." "Yeah." "Don't worry if he does do something, you have my phone number."

After Jimin and Jeongguk woke up, they got checked out and left with the medicine. "Are you sure you want to go?" "Yeah." "Okay." "I'll see you tomorrow at school!"

Nothing has changed in that house.

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