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Taehyung POV

I wake up to see Namjoon and Seokjin hugging me. I feel loved. They're like the parents I never had. I smiled and hug them back. I felt Seokjin pull me down and hug me tighter. I giggle. "Seokjin!" "Hmm?" I giggled at his response. "Ah, you're so cute when you smile. Smile more." He said. I smile a little. I wish I can feel this forever. "Hey we have to go to school. Maybe we can go to the ice cream shop after?" Seokjin says while cuddling Namjoon. "Yeah, that would be great."

We got ready and left home right away.

"Jimin and I were thinking if you wanted to join us at the rooftop to practice today!" Jeongguk asked me. "Sure, what time?" "Maybe after school or at lunch!" "Sounds like a plan." I said as I walked towards my first period class. Oh boy. Today's feeling different. I don't know what it is.
"Kim Taehyung! Are you listening!?" "Oh, sorry!" I bow down as I take out my book.

'Ugh, I can never take a break from school' I sighed as I walked to the rooftop. Walking over to Jimin and Jeongguk I wave at them thing they have been here for a while now. "What took you so long?" "Oh well Mrs. Lin kept me in for 5 minutes because I failed an 'easy' quiz." "Maybe you're just too distracted." "Maybe we should just practice." "Yeah."

While we were practicing, I tripped over Jeongguk and fell on Jimin. "Oh my, I'm so so so sorry!" I said while lifting up Jimin. "Oh, it's okay. I just got scratched. Nothing serious."
"What the hell is going on with you Kim Taehyung?" I whispered to myself. I decided that I wanted to go and get going with classes and left Jimin and a Jeongguk very confused. I run into the restroom and cry. 'What the hell am I so sensitive?'

Because you're a crybaby.

"You're right. I really am a crybaby." I said.

I walk out as soon as I heard the bell ring. 'Okay, you only have 3 more classes, Taehyung. You can do this.'

As soon as I finished my classes I walked straight to the clubroom. I was there to only see Yoongi and Hoseok. "Guys, where are the others?" I asked. "Who knows they said as they continued discussing their lyrics and what they have in common. I walk to Jin's shared apartment and see a note.

Taehyungie~ Namjoon and I went to go buy groceries! We'll be back as soon as we can! I forgot to leave an extra key but you can wait right? -Jinnie Hyung

I sighed as I didn't have the patience to wait for Jin anymore. I feel like a bother when I talk to Jin and Namjoon.

You are. Just go let your dad kill you. He's right and you know it.

I decided to go to the his house. I walked up to the front and knock on the door. It reeks like alcohol in there. The front door soon opens to reveal him. Disgusting. I feel weak when I see him. He makes me scared. As if he were the one to control me. I hate it. "Why the hell are you here, whore? Have you finally thought on who's right and who's wrong?" I stay quiet. Why the hell can't I move? "Oh, so you're giving me the silent treatment? Be like that bitch. I'll show you who's right and you'll remember it." He said. I felt tears in my eyes. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I grabbed me and started to strip my clothes off. I pushed him away and grabbed the nearest thing by me. A glass bottle. I smashed it on him and run to my old room. "You bitch!" He ran to get something in the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and call Jin. "Jin, help me. I came back to his house and I feel like I'm going to die. I don't want to die, Hyung. Help me." He ended the call after. I was scared to death. He had a knife in his hand. "Please no! Don't do it! I beg you!" I screamed as I take some stepped behind me. "You've already begged me enough." He said before he launched onto to me. I cut my arm. "It hurts! Please stop!" I scream. He stabbed my stomach twice and before he did it again I heard sirens outside. I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I feel like I'm about to give up. I stopped. Stopped everything. Everything was a blur.

But in the end, spring will come someday. The ice will melt and flow away. Tell me if my voice isn't real. If I shouldn't have thrown myself away. Tell me if even this pain isn't real. What I was supposed to do back then~

"Don't stop, Taehyung! I'll always be there. Okay, sweetie?" "Mom?" I felt tears flowing down my cheeks when I saw my mother in front of me. "That's right! Look how much you've grown. I never expect Junmin to end up like this. My poor baby, how much you've suffered. Don't give up. You have friends waiting for you and people who love you. You didn't kill me. I killed myself because I wanted to save you. I wanted you have a great future and have a better life. I'm sorry that you have suffered more than I expected you would have. I love you and never forget that. I'll be waiting. Okay? I love you, Taehyungie." I ran and hugged her until she disappear. I sobbed and sobbed. I didn't feel guilt. I felt happiness. Happy that Junmin is finally gone. Happy that I no long have to suffer.

I wake up to beeping sounds. I knew that sound very well. I open my eyes. Blinking to adjust my eyes to the light. "Taehyung!" I heard everyone scream. I see all of my members walking up to me and hugging me. I feel happiness. "Don't ever leave like that again." I hear Jin say. "I'll let you drink my banana milk just don't leave us." Jeongguk said. "I'll show you my special dance move just stay with us." Hoseok said while wiping tears from his eyes. "I'll give you my lunch for gods sake." Yoongi sobbed. "Never leave us!" Jimin yelled as he hugged me. "You're like the child I never had with Jin." Namjoon said. I smiled. "I love you guys, too. Now, get off before I get hugged to death."

"Hey, Taehyung! You really spaced out this time. You've been starting at the wall for the past hour." Namjoon said as he lifted me up from the ground. "Come on! Jin's making us food at the dorm! I also really like the lyrics of your new solo. They seem familiar." "Yeah." I said as I knew the truth behind those lyrics. Everyone in Bangtan knows after the incident. I smiled as I felt happy remembering when we first debuted thinking it was a dream. I couldn't believe that our little club would actually be a Kpop group. "Let's go!" I said as I hurried down the hall.


Ya'll bitches thought it was the end? Well no. No. It wasn't. We have an upcoming special chapter! I hope you guys really enjoyed this very shitty book! Thank you all for reading it. I really do appreciate all those comments. Even the rude ones make me smile a lot. I can't believe it's the end of another fiction! Happy late new year! Hope we can make another special year together my lovely potatoes. Like I said it isn't the end so hang on tight on this one! No bye bye. See ya later! - M 🥀✨

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