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@purple-blue_star tagged me

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@purple-blue_star tagged me













And I have no more energy to tag more people so like kids tag yourself. Also can we get an F in the comments 😔✊

Okay so this is the actual end of Pain. One of my followers tag me in a chapter and I felt bad so here 😔

You guys were probably expecting a big chapter and crap ;-;

You guys once again have choices to choose our of for the next story! There are around 3 to choose that I know I have done and are ready to update! But I also have a Jungkook X BTS fanfic that I had up for a while. If you are one of my very very old follower then you'll remember it. I forgot what it was call...SERIOUSLY I FORGOT LIKE I HATED IT TO THE POINT WHERE I FORGET THE NAME LOL. IT'S BEEN A YEAR SINCE I DELETED IT BUT IT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! It was angsty and the plot move a little bit faster than my normal fanfics do. I will try to improve if you guys want that to be published.

Another one that I did not publish but have the idea is a yoonseok/sope fic. I swear I was reading a book that my sister forced me to read in real life. There was this one part of the book where I spaced out and thought of my own plot to use that as a starting point for my fiction! I am really excited for this one!

Next I have no cover yet but a c R a C k fiction! I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THIS! LIKE CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING??? This is sometimes where I would put my own crackhead scenarios where I been in and where I create my self in my head 🤪

Here you kids go because you guys had enough of my bull crap for today 😔

Anyways I hope you have an amazing day thanks for reading Pain and I'll definitely publish the Namjin one ;)

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Anyways I hope you have an amazing day thanks for reading Pain and I'll definitely publish the Namjin one ;)

Pain (TaehyungXBTS)Where stories live. Discover now