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You wake again after having dozed off for a few minutes. You recognise Simon's loud voice outside the room, and the slightly quieter one of Basil.

"He's probably contracted some super contagious tropical disease, I wouldn't set foot in that room if I were you..."

"Nonsense. If he is sick it is my responsibility as the adult in charge to assess the situation and provide him with the help he needs."

"All he needs is a nice little sleep in, maybe some nice little medical chemicals pressed into nice little prescription pills. You should let him sleep."

"Step out of the way, Basil." The door handle rattles, and you shield you eyes as light from outside pierces the dark at the opening of the door.

"Hello, Y/N. I heard you were feeling unwell."

"It's fine, just a headache."

Simon kneels by your bed and presses a hand to your forehead like Basil did the night before. His skin is rough and oddly calloused, and he smells funny. It's not nearly as nice as when Basil did it.

"There must be a bug going around," he mentions. "A few others have experienced headaches and nausea as well."

"I'm fine," you say again. "It'll pass."

"It's only a headache?" Simon asks, completely ignoring you.

"Uh yeah, at the moment. When I woke up I was kinda dizzy, too, and my stomach felt like I'd just eaten a lot, that kinda heavy feeling, y'know?"

Simon's raised eyebrow indicates that he does not know.

"Uh, anyway. I'm fine."

"When did you start feeling sick?"

You can't help feeling that Simon's questioning has started becoming a bit extensive. Does it really matter when you first felt sick?

"After dinner, yesterday. I was walking back to the cabin and I got really dizzy and felt like I was about to throw up. Basil gave me some water and helped me to bed."

You swear to god a hint of annoyance shows in Simon's eyes.

"Basil gave you water? How much did you drink?"

"Uh, not a lot. But it helps with nausea to drink water, sometimes, so that's why-"

Simon nods and stands, cutting you off. "I'll send over some medication for your headache. I am sorry for intruding."

"Oh, no worries."

He nods to you, then to Basil, and exits the room.

"Twenty questions, much?" you smile. Basil narrows his eyes like he doesn't understand. You sigh and close your eyes.



"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. The headache's almost gone, now, I probably won't even need the medication Simon's sending. I'm just hella tired."

Basil cracks his winning smile. "Oh, good. I'm glad you're feeling ok."

"Thanks, man," you say, and something inside you flutters a little.

hi after a million years. How have you been?

Ikaria (11th doctor X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now