Chapter 7

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Blaine ended up staying at Kurt's for the next two weeks. School was out for both of them, and Blaine's parents were still on their respective business trips. Both boys were thrilled, as it meant they could spend more time together. The guest room had been set up especially for Blaine, after Burt had laid down specific ground rules. Kurt had tried to fight them, but Blaine accepted them. After all, he was a gentleman. They stuck to these rules for a couple of days, until one night Blaine woke up in a cold sweat.

*Blaine and Kurt were walking down the street hand in hand, happily chatting away. Out of nowhere, Dean and a gang of huge men appeared.

"Hello Blaine. Long time no see. I see you've got yourself a 'friend'. You wouldn't want anything to happen to him, would you?" Blaine stood protectively in front of Kurt.

"You will not touch him" Blaine forcefully retorted. Blaine could feel Kurt pulling on the back of his sweater, trying to get his attention.

"Blaine, he's got a gun." Kurt whispered. Blaine's attention was immediately drawn to the weapon in Dean's hand. Dean, noticing where Blaine was looking, smirked and held up the gun, pointing it at them.

"You see this, Blaine? This is your punishment." He pulled the trigger. Blaine felt himself being pushed out of the way as he fell to the ground. He turned his head in time to see the bullet bury itself in Kurt's chest. Blaine screamed out in horror as the love of his life collapsed to the floor in a heap. In that instant, Dean and the gang vanished, as if they'd never been there. Blaine crawled over to Kurt, carefully pulling him into his lap.

"Kurt, baby. Please don't leave me!" Kurt replied breathily, the oxygen knocked out of his lungs.

"I love you." The scene suddenly catapulted forward to a hospital. Kurt was stretched out on a hospital bed as doctors swarmed around him, trying to save his life. The heart monitor was beating away at an alarming rate.

"Come on son, hold on." The doctor nearest to Kurt was encouraging Kurt, begging him to hold on. Suddenly, the beating stopped, and the machine flat lined.

"Kurt? No Kurt no!" Blaine tried to reach out, but the scene went black as Blaine fell to his knees, sobs breaking through his body, tearing at his broken heart.*

Blaine sat up straight, breathing unevenly. He realised he'd been crying in his sleep. He rubbed roughly at his eyes, trying to shake the nausea that had overcome him.

"It was just a dream Blaine, just a dream. Kurt's asleep, safe and sound in the next room." Blaine tried to calm himself, but instead he just became more and more agitated. He had to see if Kurt was all right. Quietly, he slipped out of the bed and tip toed across the room. He crept along the corridor and made it to Kurt's room. Through the doorway, he could see Kurt huddled under the duvet, sleeping peacefully. He could see the reassuring rise and fall of his chest. Sighing in relief, Blaine snuck into the room, pulled up the covers and slipped into the bed, pulling a dozing Kurt into his arms, spooning him.

"Took your time about it. I've been waiting for you for two days." Kurt murmured. Blaine didn't answer. Instead, he pulled Kurt closer to his chest, as tears began to fall down his cheeks. Kurt, realising Blaine hadn't replied to the joke, turned around in Blaine's arms.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked concerned, as he reached up to wipe the tears off Blaine's face. Blaine scrunched up his face, pained, trying to stop the tears.

"It's really stupid. I had a nightmare, and it just affected me badly. God, that sounds pathetic." He accidentally released a sob he had tried to repress. Kurt ran his fingers soothingly through Blaine's hair.

"It's not pathetic Blaine. Remember that time I came running to you in Dalton, because I'd had that dream about Rachel Berry trying to kiss me? That was a horrific dream." Kurt shuddered at the memory. He tried to make Blaine laugh, but Blaine only gave him a small, forced smile, which went as quickly as it had come.

"What was it about?" Kurt asked softly. Blaine opened his eyes, boring straight into Kurt's.

"You - Dean - gun" Blaine stuttered out, breathing shallowly. Kurt rubbed his hands up and down Blaine's sides, trying to comfort him.

"It was just a dream. It wasn't real. I'm here, right now. That's all that matters. You're safe, I'm safe, and Dean is somewhere else, and you'll never have to see him again."

"I know it was just a dream, it just felt so real. I've never had such a vivid dream." Kurt sat up, leaning back on the pillows, as he pulled Blaine into his chest, so that Blaine was on top of him. Blaine leaned into Kurt, revelling in the contact.

"What happened in the dream?" Kurt asked. Blaine held him tighter, before replying.

"I don't want to scare you." Kurt sighed.

"It won't scare me. Promise." Blaine paused for a moment, before explaining his dream.

"Basically, we were walking alone, Dean appeared out of nowhere and threatened to hurt you. I tried to protect you, but then Dean fired a gun in our direction. You pushed me out the way and you got hit. Then - then you died." Blaine sniffed, beginning to calm down. Kurt was silent for a moment. He wasn't expecting that. He knew Blaine occasionally had nightmares about his past, but he'd never said Kurt had been a part of them.

Blaine, picking up on Kurt's silence, interjected.

"I guess my subconscious knows just how much I care about you."

"Yeah, I guess it does." Kurt was still quiet, as he tightened his hold around Blaine's waist.

"I'll never say goodbye to you. You know that, right?" Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. He could feel Blaine nod his head below him.

"I want to marry you some day." Blaine said sleepily. Kurt's eyes widened in shock. He looked down at Blaine.

"What - what did you say?" Kurt blurted out. He gained no reply, apart from the soft snores that emanated from Blaine. Kurt lay there, stuck between feeling elated and confused. Did Blaine really feel that strongly? Kurt knew that he wanted to marry Blaine some day, but he was so careful at not revealing his feelings for fear of rejection. He knew that they were really young, but Kurt really couldn't see himself with anyone other than Blaine. Smiling to himself, he closed his eyes, falling asleep to his boyfriend's breath mixing with his own.

Nathan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing again. He quickly reached to grab it. Once again, it read 'Unknown number'. Maybe this time it would be Blaine! Nathan's heart dropped once he heard the voice at the end of the line.

"Nathan, I have a plan. I'm coming to see you." The call disconnected, leaving Nathan feeling horrified. It was about to happen all over again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

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