Chapter 44

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"Blaine collapsed next to Kurt, and leaned over him anxiously.

"Kurt? Kurt! Can you hear me?" He wanted to hold him, but Blaine wasn't sure about how much pain that would cause his boyfriend. Kurt, who was conscious, luckily, writhed on the ground in pain, as he bit his lip to stop from screaming out. He clutched his wounded arm with his hand clamped over the wound, but this seemed to make him worse.

"Y-yeah I can hear you. But Blaine, I think - I think I'm dying -"

"Don't you dare say that." Blaine said hoarsely. He smoothed his hand over Kurt's forehead, and gently lifted him into his lap. Kurt allowed himself to be pulled, not really aware of what was going on. Suddenly, a gun shot awoke Blaine to the harsh reality.

He spun round, and to his horror, saw blood. Blood, blood and more blood, spurting from his enemies. From his angle, he could make out a knife buried deeply into Dean's chest, and in Nathan he could see a small, ragged hole just above his heart. Both boys doubled over, and fell to the ground with a crash. The great giants had fallen. Breathing heavily, Blaine turned to see the reactions of the rest of the tormentors.

They stood there, with terrified expressions. In that instant, they were no longer thugs, but lost little men who knew their time was coming. Blaine looked between them, and the fallen bodies. Dean was writhing, but Nathan was perfectly still. He couldn't be -

He looked down at Kurt, whose eyes were beginning to flicker into unconsciousness. He shook him desperately.

"No, no Kurt. You've got to stay awake. If you sleep, you might not come back."

"But I'm so tired."

"Please Kurt - just don't close your eyes. Keep focused on me, on my voice. You're going to survive this, okay?"

Kurt coughed, causing blood to emit from his mouth. Blaine froze. Surely the wound couldn't have caused that much damage? Once he'd finished, Kurt opened his eyes and looked up at Blaine, exhausted.

"Okay." He said simply. Blaine ran one of his hands over Kurt's cheek, smiling a little. But his expression changed the instant he turned to face the gang. It transformed from loving into pure hatred.

"Someone, call an ambulance!" He yelled at them. They remained dumbstruck, until the consequences of their actions finally sunk in. They had two choices: Stay and face the music, or flee. To Blaine's horror, they fled.

"Hey, come back! Please!" He cried desperately. None of the gang even turned as they ran. They didn't even turn to acknowledge the fate of their friends, who were lying in their own blood. Blaine carefully moved Kurt off him, and lay him on the ground.

"I'll be right back, baby. Keep focused on my voice." Kurt nodded, still groaning and writhing. Shaking with rage and fear, Blaine ran over to Nathan's prone body, and searched his clothes for a phone. Unfortunately, Nathan was just as vulnerable as he was, as no phone could be found. Perhaps his had been confiscated too. Looking down at him, Blaine could see Nathan was still alive. The bullet had woven itself into his chest, but he was still breathing raggedly. The colour was draining from his face, but at least there was still colour. Before he could stop himself, Blaine reached out his hand in comfort, and let it rest on Nathan's shoulder.

Through hazy eyes, Nathan watched Blaine curiously. "Dean has a phone." He choked out. Blaine nodded his appreciation. His hand lingered on Nathan's shoulder for a minute, before he withdrew and ran over to Dean. At this point, Dean was wheezing and shouting. Shouting and swearing, but Blaine could see he was petrified. This didn't stop his sympathy though.

"Where's your phone?" Blaine said in a steely manner. Dean grunted, ignoring Blaine. In pure anger, Blaine kicked Dean's arm, causing Dean to yelp.

"Where. Is. Your. Phone?" Blaine repeated through gritted teeth.

Reluctantly, Dean muttered "Front pocket." Blaine immediately set upon him, rifling through his pockets until he found a battered Nokia. Heart beating fast, he dialled 911 as he ran over to Kurt's prone frame.

"Operator, how may I help you?"

"We need an ambulance right away. There's been a shooting, and there's loads of blood, and he's dying and -"

"Slow down young man. There was a shooting, okay. How many victims? Where are you?"

Blaine calmed himself. Breathe Blaine. Breathe.

"There are three victims, who are still alive. One was shot in the arm, one in the chest, and the other was stabbed with a knife. We're - we're in central Lima, not far from the high street. I don't know the exact address. Oh - my - god."

"Okay son, I'm sending an ambulance and the police right now. What's your name?"

"Blaine. My name's Blaine."

"Blaine, you sound under great stress. I'm going to stay on the line for as long as you need, okay?"

"…Okay. Thank you."

"Blaine, what were the circumstances of the shooting and stabbing?"

"It's really complicated. But there were others in the gang. About 4 or 5 others, I can't remember. God, there's so much blood. He won't stop bleeding!"

"Who won't?"

"Kurt, my - my boyfriend. They got him in the arm. The other two victims were our tormentors. But they're bleeding too. I don't know what to do -"

"Blaine, keep calm. Go to your boyfriend, and keep talking to him. Let him know help is coming."

"Okay." Blaine knelt down beside Kurt, and pulled him into his lap again. "Kurt, help is coming, okay? The police are coming, and an ambulance is coming. They're going to patch you right up."

Kurt looked up at Blaine with blood shot eyes. "Patch me up. Such a - funny term. But how can - they - they patch me up - when there's nothing - to fix?"

Blaine looked down at him in confusion.

"Nothing to fix? Kurt, your arm! It was shot!" Kurt looked just as confused as him.

"Was it? But we're inside. We - we haven't been - outside all day. I think - you've taken - too many hits to the head today - Blaine. You're not - making sense." Blaine's eyes began to well up, as he realised Kurt was losing it. Biting his lip, he brought the phone to his ear.

"Kurt isn't making any sense. He doesn't realise he's been shot. He keeps saying he's inside, but he's clearly not, and -"

"Blaine, I think he has gone into shock. It is his body's way of dealing with the trauma of being shot. For now, just go with whatever he says. It will confuse him too much if you contradict him."

"Okay. Thank you. I have to go now, I need to look after him."

"The police and ambulance should be there within 5 minutes. They'll fix him up for you."

Blaine disconnected the call, and waited for the emergency services to arrive. He put the phone down, and wrapped his arms around Kurt the best he could. Through hooded eyes, Kurt looked at Blaine and gave him a small smile.

"I love you." He said tenderly. Blaine held him a little tighter, smiling sadly at him.

"Yeah, well I love you more." The tears couldn't stop as Kurt's cheeks turned paler and paler. He was losing him, and Blaine knew it. Kurt's breathing rate was slowing right down, and there was nothing Blaine could do. It was killing him. He bent down and pressed a kiss to Kurt's forehead.

"I'm not giving up on you without a fight." He whispered into his hair. To his relief, he could hear sirens and could see neon lights flashing in the distance, beyond him and Kurt. Blaine sighed heavily, and drew back to look at Kurt. And was struck with horror.

Kurt's eyes were closed.

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