Chapter 39

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Kurt glanced across the car at Blaine, concerned. Blaine kept his eyes fixed on the side window, remaining stubbornly silent. Every once in a while he would wince, as he pulled out the small shards of glass in his arm. Kurt had offered to stop and take them out for him, but Blaine had stated alarmingly that they should keep moving, that Kurt should just ignore the whining. Kurt had argued that Blaine wasn't whining, but Blaine ignored him and continued to pull them out. Eventually, he pulled them all out. He heaved out a sigh of relief, as all his muscles relaxed from the tension. If he hadn't been injured, Kurt knew Blaine would be bouncing up and down in excitement about their freedom.

"Blaine, are you ok?" He asked gently, trying to start conversation. Blaine nodded, still looking out the window glumly. Kurt shifted his eyes between the road and Blaine, still not convinced about his boyfriend's welfare.

"You sure?" Blaine pulled his eyes away from the window to look at Kurt.

"It's just - it feels too perfect." Kurt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"How do you mean?"

"I mean about how we escaped. The door was unlocked, the keys hanging up outside - it just feels like they wanted us to escape." Kurt took this in, processing everything Blaine had just said.

"That's a lot to plan. Surely letting us escape would make it more complicated for them? It might make it fun, or whatever, but they're laying a lot on the line. I don't think they would be so reckless." Blaine swallowed, looking away.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Silence settled again, but Kurt knew there was more bothering Blaine.

"What else are you thinking about Blaine? Is it your arm?" Blaine glanced down at his arm, the red liquid trickling down his arm in small streams. The marks hurt, but they weren't that sore. When they first dragged through his skin, it had been like fire, but now there was only a small throbbing ache. He wasn't thinking about his arm at all.

"I'm just really, really glad you're alive." He said simply, looking at his feet.


"I have this really, really bad feeling that something is going to happen - to you. I know it sounds ridiculous, and I don't want to scare you, but -" Blaine's breathing suddenly became shallower as the anguish took him over. Kurt looked at him again, trying to reassure him.

"Hey, Blaine, nothing is going to happen to me, or you. I promise. We're going to get home, and those idiots are going to end up behind bars. We are going to survive this. Ok?" Blaine looked up in surprise, to find Kurt looking at him through determined eyes. Just seeing Kurt being brave and strong made Blaine feel instantly better. Blaine nodded, suddenly ashamed about his small outburst.

"Sorry, I just panicked. I didn't mean to sound like a headless chicken." Kurt laughed a little, before replying.

"It's okay, don't apologise for being scared." He looked at Blaine again. "I'm scared about losing you too." They shared a look, before Kurt turned back to the road. As he drove, he felt fingers climbing onto his leg, before they lay flat. Kurt looked back to Blaine, finding him slightly bent towards him, with his hand resting on Kurt's thigh. They gave each other a small smile.

Blaine held onto Kurt's leg for a while. It let him know that they were still together, alive, even after everything that had happened. He still couldn't believe they were free. Kurt looked over at him, smiling contently.

"How's the arm?" Blaine glanced down at his arm, as it remained unchanged from earlier.

"It's okay, doesn't hurt so much." Kurt frowned.

"I should get you to the hospital first. I don't like the look of that blood." Blaine shook his head.

"I'll be okay. We should get back to your Dad's first, let him know you're all right."

"What about your family? Won't your Dad be home by now?" Kurt asked. Blaine's smile slipped from his face.

"Yeah, I think he will be."

"We should let him know too." Blaine made a non-committal sound in response.

"Blaine, he'd want to know."

"I wouldn't want to bother him." Kurt sighed.

"Blaine, I know you and your Dad don't see eye to eye, but he's your father. He cares about you."

"He'd just see it as an inconvenience. Another mess he has to clean up." Blaine said miserably.

"Blaine, he wouldn't see it like that."

"Why wouldn't he? That's how he always saw it." Kurt finally snapped. He didn't want Blaine to believe the crap he was telling himself.

"Blaine Anderson, you are so frustrating sometimes!" Blaine blinked, taken aback.


"Your father would not see this as an 'inconvenience.' He would kill those bullies for putting you through this."

"How can you know that?"

"Because you don't see the way he looks at you when your back is turned. Blaine, he loves you." Blaine opened his mouth to say something, but let the words die on his tongue. He was so jealous of Kurt and Burt's relationship. He wished his dad was more understanding of him. Kurt sensed Blaine's uneasiness.

"Blaine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Blaine squeezed his hand around Kurt's thigh slightly tighter.

"Don't worry about it. I get it, I was moaning again. Bad Blaine." The joke made Kurt laugh a little, but he didn't like how Blaine hid his discomfort behind a smoke-screen of humour. He decided to change the subject, for now.

"What do you think will happen when we get home?" Kurt asked nervously.

"I think your family will be ecstatic to see you, and Burt will call the police."

"What are we going to say about… Quinn?" Kurt's voice broke slightly as he said her name. Blaine squeezed his thigh again.

"We'll just have to answer the questions they ask us. People will want to know the full story." Kurt nodded sadly, before his eyes widened.

"I - I still can't believe they did that to her! God, that was only yesterday!" Kurt's voice gradually increased in desperation, as the weight of the situation shook him to the core. Blaine, hearing Kurt's distress, moved his hand from Kurt's leg, up his body, before resting it on his shoulder. He rubbed it kindly.

"Kurt, they are not going to get away with this. I promise you, they are going to pay." Kurt glanced at Blaine, taking in the bruises, scars, marks and blood on his body.

"Oh yeah, they're going to pay all right. They think they can hurt you like that and get away with it?"

"Kurt -"

"They almost killed you Blaine -"

"Kurt -"

"and they hurt you so much -"

"Kurt look out!"

"What?" A car came rushing out of nowhere, as it sped towards them at an alarming rate Kurt stopped breathing. All he could see was the red Vauxhall Corsa rushing towards them, obviously not going to slow down. What was it even doing on the wrong side of the road? At the last moment, Kurt swerved to the left, out of the way of the incoming vehicle. However, he swerved too much to the left. As the other car vanished around the corner, Kurt and Blaine were sent head-first into a ditch. The car didn't stop moving, as they sped towards a huge boulder planted into the ground.

"Kurt, step on the breaks! We're going to crash!" Kurt clenched his teeth in tension as the car bounced around him. He turned the wheel desperately, as he slammed on the breaks

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