Chapter 38

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Dean shut his phone, clenching it tightly in his fist. The gang had been laughing, until they turned to see his stony face. The laughter stopped dead, as silence spread over the group. He looked as if he were about to hit something.

"Dean, is everything ok?" The nearest, stupidest boy to him asked. No one said anything as Dean scanned over their faces, one by one.

"They've escaped. Charlie went back to the house, but found Anderson out of the cellar, and Fairy out of the handcuffs." Everyone looked at him, gob smacked and fearful. They knew what was coming now.

"But, how? Both were locked up, right? The door is always locked." Said one of the more anxious members.

"That's what I'd like to know. I'm always careful with my victims. Any ideas how this could have happened, boys?" The entire circle looked at him blankly. Brock was careful to keep his face void of emotion. He glanced around at everyone's worried faces. His faze lingered for longer over at Nathan, ecstatic that he was finally going to break his enemy.

"Maybe Nathan knows something. I mean, he was the last one out of the house. Who knows what he could have done in that time?" Nathan shot daggers at Brock, but inside he was freaking out. If Dean thought he had let them escape, he would be killed. Calmly, he defended himself.

"I don't know anything about this, Brock. All I did was give Hummel a bottle of water. Do you seriously think I would let them out?" Nathan didn't know why Brock had always been on his case, why he was always out to get him. But he was secretly glad Kurt and Blaine had escaped - for now. He just hoped they could keep running.

"Hummel? See, you can't even call that fag 'Fairy." Brock turned to Dean. "I told you he couldn't be trusted. He's still friends with Anderson. It's the only explanation I can think of." Nathan hit back, trying to keep calm.

"With respect, Brock, Blaine and I were friends, but then he came out, and that all changed. We're no longer friends, and I have no intention on building those bonds again."

"It's just too perfect though. First you're friends with him, then you say you're not. Two years later, we get him, and the next day he's free. I think you've been lying to us all this time, Nathan." His mouth dropped in shock.

"I can't believe you think I would lie!" He turned to Dean. "I swear to you Dean, I don't know anything about their escape!"

Dean looked between his two comrades, trying to work out what was going on. He reckoned they one of them knew something, just from they way they were arguing. He just needed to work out which one it was. What Brock had said about Nathan's past tie with Blaine could well be true, but Dean also knew about Brock's huge envious streak. He knew Brock loathed Nathan, but Dean trusted Nathan more than the other boy. At least, he thought he did. He suddenly came up with an idea.

"Nathan, Brock has a point. You were the last one in the house, and you may still have sympathies with Anderson. I don't know, I'm not a mind reader. That makes you the number one suspect." Nathan's face fell as Brock's rose into a grin.

"But what about Charlie? What was he doing there on his own?" Nathan asked desperately.

"I don't know, Nath, but I know he wouldn't let them out. That would be going against his moral code, and he's not stupid enough to go against my wishes."

"And I am?"

"You have before." Nathan was stuck. How could he comeback from that blow? He tried his best to remain composed.

"I may have left initially, but I came back. My absence back then was nothing to do with Anderson. I think my return shows where my true loyalties lie." Dean eyed him up, making a decision he wasn't going to share with anyone else. He turned to Brock, now staring at him instead.

"The only reason Nathan was the last one out was because I asked him to talk to Fairy. If I recall, weren't you the last one out of the cellar, Brock?" Brock paled in fear, as the tables turned.

"I don't think so. We came up as a group." Brock lied. Dean looked across the rest of the gang.

"Is this true?" The rest looked to one another, their memories blank from the anxiety. It was such a small detail none of them had registered it at the time.

"I - I think so, Boss." One of the gang piped up. Dean scanned them again, before making his decision.

"Okay, let's vote on it. Boys, raise your hand if you think Nathan is telling the truth." The boys looked between each other, not knowing what to do. Slowly, one of them raised their hand. Nathan's stomach plummeted. He thought he was going to be sick. This couldn't be happening.

"Thank you Ryan. Now, raise your hand if you think Brock is telling the truth." The two remaining boys raised their hands, unsure about what else to do. Brock grinned in relief.

"Thank you guys. Nath, it appears most of the group thinks you are responsible."

"No, I knew nothing about it, I swear!" Nathan spluttered out, choking on his own words. He felt like he was suddenly on trial, and he'd been found guilty for a crime he didn't commit.

"But the evidence points to you." Brock said, provoking him. Nathan looked around at them all desperately, sweat beginning to trickle down his neck.

"But - but -"

"Nath, I have an idea." Dean suddenly interjected. "When we catch Anderson and his queen, you can be the one to shoot them." Nathan looked at him dumbfounded.


"Well, if you shoot them, I'll know you didn't let them out, and Brock will be punished. If you don't, I'll know it was you." Brock gulped nervously. He didn't know what Nathan would decide.

Nathan was torn. If he killed Kurt and Blaine, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. But if he didn't, he would die alongside them. But could he do that to his old friend? Blaine may hate him, but that didn't mean Nathan hated him back. Deep down, he knew he'd cared for Blaine all along. His homophobia had just got in the way. But he didn't want to die. God, he wanted to cling to life so, so bad. He was young, he wanted to live. He had to get out of Lima; that way he would survive. He could escape all this. His cowardice won, yet again.

"I'll do it," He said forcefully. Brock's mouth dropped, as he turned painfully white.

"Dean, please, give me the chance to prove myself. I'll do it. Actually, I would do more. I would take them and make sure that they -"

"Brock, please, your nerves are irritating me. I know you would, but I want to see Nathan in that situation." He turned to Nathan. "For now, I'm going to forget about this scandal. But as soon as we find them, that's when you make or break my trust. Got it?" Nathan nodded, the cold look back on his face. The vulnerability he had displayed suddenly slipped away.

"I understand perfectly," He said numbly.

"Good." He snapped. "Charlie reckons they're headed for Lima. We can still cut them off if we leave now." Dean stood up, his unfinished meal left behind him. The gang followed nervously, unsure about the new series of events. Nathan looked over at Brock, who was staring back at him. Brock's face was pale, but as soon as he saw Nathan looking at him, he winked, giving him a sly smile. Nathan's heart burst, realising Brock knew more than he was letting on. He knew then that Brock had left the door unlocked, but that he would pay the price.

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