Chapter 35

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"Thank you for all your help Mr. Hummel. Do you have any further questions?" Detective Inspector Tyler looked at the broken man across from her, as she moved to pack away her notebook. Burt Hummel shook his head, placing his head in his hands. Carole rubbed his shoulders, fighting to keep back the tears. William sat in the armchair, looking just as worn as the Hummels. Mr Anderson had been very helpful in providing information about past bullies and incidents, but so far nobody back at the station had come back with anything useful. The gang were hard to track, as most of them seemed to be new members. D.I. Tyler looked at them sympathetically.

"I know this is difficult. But everyone back at the station is desperately trying to find leads, and clues that could help us find your sons."

Seeing these three parents searching for their lost son broke D.I. Tyler's heart. Usually, she was dealing with delinquents and drug dealers, so had hardened herself to these types of people. However, she was now dealing with the biggest case she had ever been assigned too; a hate crime that had blown boundaries beyond name-calling and teasing.

This case was kidnap, assault, and, quite possibly, murder. Lima at times could be very rough, but there hadn't been a murder for years. Looking at these three parents, and the Hummels' other son watching from the kitchen, she really, really hoped that it wasn't going to be a murder case.

"When you find them, what's going to happen to the asseholes?" Finn suddenly spoke up, angrily. Carole turned round, trying to hush her son.

"Finn, don't speak to her like that!"

"No, no, it's ok, he has the right to ask." D.I Tyler reassured Carole, before speaking directly to Finn. "When we find them, they are going to be arrested. And even though they are teenagers, I promise you, they will not get off lightly. I will make it my personal mission to make sure of that." Finn searched her face, realising she was deadly serious. He nodded, before walking out of the room. She turned back to the Hummels and William.

"I have to get back to the station now, but here's my number if you have any other information, or just feel like you need to talk to someone. It's a scary time, but -" She was cut off by her radio buzzing.

"Sorry," she muttered apologetically to the group, as she reached for her radio. "What have you got so far?"

"We've got a lead. The leader, Dean Young, used to live in a small village called Holgate, approximately 40 miles away from Lima, before moving to Lima after the death of his mother. The house was left in a derelict state after Young and his father were evicted from the premises."

"But why would they be there? What about the current owners?"

"There are no current owners. Young and his father were evicted by the mother's parents. Both are now dead, and the house was left to no one in the will. It was abandoned, because it was deemed to hazardous to live in."

D.I Tyler's heart leapt.

"And with Young's record, he likes to keep off the radar. He uses things as shields, which means he might be using the premises to hold the boys."

All three parents sat up straight, the hearts pounding at this new knowledge. D.I Tyler looked at their faces, as hope now replaced the sorrowful expressions they had previously worn.

"Smith, I think we've just found our lead." She said smiling. "We're going to need to go in with back up if we want to get the boys out alive. It's not certain whether the gang are armed or not."

"Already on it, boss."

"I'm on my way back." She put the radio back in place as she turned to the trio.

"We're going to find your sons!"

"You took your time." Brock stated, as Nathan approached the car.

"I was just following orders, Damon. At least I complete them properly, and not haphazardly." The entire car catcalled and laughed. Brock and Nathan stared each other out, until Dean broke it up.

"Enough guys. Although your rivalry is flattering and sometimes downright funny, I'm hungry now. I want to eat. So Nathan, get your scrawny ass in the car so we can go."

Nathan got into the car, not caring, while Brock lit up to be the same colour as a tomato. God he hated Nathan so much. However, he smiled to himself, as he remembered he had left the cellar door unbolted. Maybe Nathan being the last one out wasn't such bad thing after all…

Blaine's eyes flickered open, as the light hit him at full force. He blinked several times, trying to gain his bearings. His head throbbed from the force of the impact. He pushed himself up, eyes now fully open, as he glanced around the room fearfully. No Kurt, and no bullies. Memories slotted back into place.

"I love you."

"Did you hear that Dean? I love him. And there's nothing you can do to change that."

"Kurt, I love you so, so much -"

"Kurt." Blaine stood up suddenly, ignoring the major head rush. He swayed for a moment, but remained on his feet. He needed to get to Kurt. He made his way up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. He was about to pound hard on the door when the sound of sobbing stopped him in his tracks. He instantly knew it was Kurt. God, what had they done to him?

"Kurt?" He tried calling out. The scream-filled sobbing continued. He sounded heartbroken. Becoming more distressed, Blaine tried again, louder this time.

"Kurt, can you hear me?" The crying suddenly stopped. There was a huge pause, making Blaine nervous.

"Kurt, are you ok?" He called out again, realising Kurt wouldn't, or couldn't answer him.

"Oh my god, I've lost it. I've actually lost it." Blaine could hear Kurt gasping for air, like it was hard to breathe. Blaine, slightly confused, replied.

"No Kurt, you haven't lost it. What did they do to you?" There was another long pause. Blaine didn't know why Kurt wasn't replying, but it made him more and more anxious.

"B-Blaine?" Kurt asked uncertainly. Blaine grinned, glad that Kurt was finally replying directly to him.

"I'm at the door. Are you all right?"

"How are you talking to me?" Blaine was really bemused now.

"Through the door… You're not hurt, are you?" Kurt couldn't believe it. Had his grief made him lose his marbles? One minute Blaine's dead the next - he's talking through the very door he was supposedly killed behind.

"Kurt, you're scaring me. Please tell me you're ok" Kurt closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

"Please don't let this be a dream. Please tell me you're really there Blaine." Blaine pressed his head against the door, breathing just as deeply as Kurt was.

"I'm here baby. I'm not going anywhere." Kurt hiccupped, trying to suppress another sob. He could hear Blaine's heavy breathing from where he was sitting. Breathing couldn't be faked or replicated. Breathing could only mean one thing. Blaine was alive. His lips twitched into a grin, as he was suddenly overcome with happiness and relief. He brought his hand to his mouth in shock. He was alive. Those monsters hadn't killed him. Kurt began to laugh hysterically, high on happiness. Kurt's tears changed from those joy.

"Kurt, where are you? You're scaring me." Blaine's voice called out, concerned.

"I'm chained to a radiator in the front room. Don't be afraid, it's safe out here. They've gone out." Blaine was about to reply, when his hand suddenly slipped from the door to the bolt. Intrigued, he took a closer look. Experimentally, he tried to open it, expecting it to remain bolted. Instead, it unlocked fully, allowing the door to open slightly. Blaine's mouth dropped in shock.

"Blaine?" Kurt called out. Blaine snapped out of his trance.

"I'm coming Kurt." He opened the door fully, and stepped into the sunlight, away from his prison, for good.

Scars and Stones: Chapter 1 (Klaine)Where stories live. Discover now