College Freshman

117 4 1

Monday, April 4, 2005

Yugi's consciousness floated somewhere in the pleasant haze between deep sleep and wakefulness. On some level, he was aware that the time for relinquishing sleep was approaching, but was unprepared to move up through the layers of heavy darkness just yet.



Which would explain why a now cold and dripping wet Yugi was launching himself out of bed at the guffawing blond, engaging him in an impromptu wrestling match.

"I'd love t' wake ya up normal, Yuge, but dis 's da only way I know wut works," grinned Jou as he easily blocked Yugi's lunges and strikes.

"You suck!" cried Yugi.

"Nevah on da first date," grinned Jou.

"Stay away from me!" Yugi fumed, turning and running into the bathroom, where the door slammed shut behind him.

A still chortling Jou made his way downstairs to the kitchen, stomach now crying out for breakfast after the impromptu wrestling session. Jou yanked open a drawer to reveal a mound of candy: pocky, fruit drops, chocolate bars, licorice, every kind of sweet treat imaginable. He nonchalantly dipped his hand in and pulled out a wad of plastic wrapped goodies. These in hand, Jou went over to the table and plopped down, unwrapping a cherry flavored candy and popping it into his mouth to await Yugi.

Presently, a now more or less dry Yugi entered and went straight for the open drawer. After reaching in, he turned a glare on Jou.

"Don't take all the chocolates! You know they're my favorites!" he whined.

"Shorry, man. Here. Bring shum ovah 'n we kin trade," said Jou amiably as he chewed.

With a huff, Yugi plunged his hand into the drawer and pulled up mostly fruit flavored candies, which he brought over, and allowed Jou to take what he wanted in exchange for some chocolates. Trade complete, the two friends stuffed their faces with sugar, which was then washed down with Mountain Dew for Yugi and Jolt Cola for Jou.

"Breakfast a champions," grinned Jou as they tossed their plastic wrappers to the dingy gray floor and went for their shoes. "Now, off t' school t' git smaht."

Yugi had to bite his tongue at this last one.

Domino University

The rain clouds of yesterday had retreated overnight, leaving fresh cool air in their wake. Not a single cloud was to be seen, giving the sun sole domain of the vault of blue sky that now blessed Domino, as if to make up for yesterday's dreary weather.

Yugi and Jou stood side by side, gazing in awe at the sight of the sprawling campus before them. Even last week's orientation had been insufficient to prepare them for this microcosm of a city, with four different buildings, each of which contained myriad classrooms, surrounding an equally large middle court, which was bisected with paved walkways and dotted with many trees. On the field, which surrounded the campus was a line of trees, dominated by a large, old oak with its thick trunk and sprawling, gnarled branches, to which Yugi took an instant liking upon seeing it, thinking it a fine place to take one's lunch. How curious that it stood alone, not a single person approaching it, while the rest of the campus teemed with the student body.

"How are we ever gonna find our way around?" the tricolor breathed in amazement.

"Even if we kin, how'r we gonna git from one class t' anothah if dey're in sep'rit buildins?" wondered Jou.

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