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Sunday, May 8, 2005...

Yugi's eyes flew open even as a sob was ripped from his chest, telling him that he had been crying in his sleep. Not even a second later, the sensation of long fingers combing through his thick, tumbled hair stilled him. Feeling his heart freezing in his chest, Yugi slowly rolled over and looked up into the dark, stormy eyes of Atem, who gazed somberly back down at him.

Yugi closed his eyes as the tears coursed from them. He was supposed to be strong, supposed to be Atem's rock! Oh, what was the point? He had already screwed that up! He opened his mouth to try to speak, but a sob was all he could manage. Closing his eyes and inhaling sharply, he tried again.

"Please don't hate me!" he pleaded.

"I don't hate you," came the quiet answer.

"Oh, gods. You weren't supposed to see that," Yugi blubbered.

"Obviously," Atem's voice rumbled.

"I'm so d-damn sorry," Yugi bawled.

"Don't apologize, Yugi. It happened; it's done..." Atem began.

"It'll never happen again. I'll get rid of... that thing. I'll do anything you want, just please..." Yugi choked out as the tears coursed freely from his large eyes.

Atem shushed Yugi with a finger to the younger man's lips, then took Yugi's face between his palms.

"You should let people finish their thoughts," Atem admonished, touching his forehead to Yugi's.

Trying to stifle his sobs, Yugi forced himself to fall silent, absently enjoying this rare close proximity to his dark twin.

"Do you really feel that way about me?" Atem asked in a hushed tone.

Yugi looked down, wondering how he should answer. He quickly decided the truth was the best option.

"Yeah..." he faltered forth. "But don't worry about it! It's my problem and I'll deal with it without ever putting you in that spot again. Your happiness comes before my horniness!"

Atem closed his eyes and took the time he needed to gather his thoughts. The tricolors stayed as they were, foreheads touching, while Atem gently caressed Yugi's face in his hands. At length, he took a deep, cleansing breath, opened his eyes, and spoke.

"I can't right now, but someday, I would like to be with you in that way," he spoke gravely.

"Really?" squeaked Yugi, staring into smoldering sunset eyes.

"Yes, really," purred Atem, a smile slowly spreading across his lips.

"I'll wait forever!" Yugi exclaimed, burying his face in Atem's chest and trying to choke back his sobs.

Atem wrapped his arms around Yugi's form, hugging the smaller man to him and rubbing his back.

"Please don't cry, habibi. It's alright now. I'm glad we talked," he murmured into Yugi's spiky hair.

"M-me too," murmured Yugi, pulling back to reveal his tearstained face. "What's habibi?"

Atem smiled at the younger man and began to gently dry the tears from his face with his thumbs.

"It's Arabic for 'beloved'," he explained.

At this declaration, Yugi's eyes widened and he abruptly buried his face in Atem's chest again.

Atem hugged Yugi close, eyes traveling to his computer desk and noting the half eaten bag of Doritos.

"Doritos for dinner? I thought I'd broken you of that habit," he teased.

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