Dark Epiphany

70 3 1

Thursday, April 7, 2005
Domino University

Yugi was floored by just how well read his new friend was, with knowledge of a vast array of topics that Yugi had never even heard of and the ability to speak seven languages fluently. When Atem spoke of topics that he was passionately interested in, it was so easy for Yugi to forget the perpetual anger and sorrow that seemed to drag the Egyptian down the rest of the time.

Today, Atem had decided to try his hand at teaching Yugi some foreign languages. To that end, he and Yugi sat across from each other, Yugi watching the movement of Atem's lips intently as he carefully pronounced each foreign phrase.

"Guten morgan," the Egyptian teen said.

"Gooten morugan," Yugi repeated, wincing as he butchered the words.

"Close enough," smiled Atem. "In French, it's bonjour."

"Bonjouru," Yugi parroted.

"Very good. In Arabic, it's said sabah alkhyr," Atem instructed.

"Sabahu arukyru," Yugi parroted. "Ugh! I butchered it!"

"That's alright. Japanese isn't the best language for pronouncing foreign words," soothed Atem.

"You can say that again," glowered Yugi. "Where'd you learn all these different languages anyway?"

"My parents and I traveled quite extensively when I was young," Atem explained, looking down at his leather clad legs.

"Cool," answered Yugi. "All I know is a little English. Between school and TV, I managed to piece together enough to be able to watch American shows without subtitles."

"A skill worth having," said Atem, raising his eyes admiringly.

Yugi beamed at this compliment.

"When's your birthday?" he asked impulsively.

"I'll turn 20 on July 26th. And yours?" was Atem's response.

"Wow! We're pretty close. I'll be 19 on June 4th," answered Yugi.

"Ah! So we're both children of the summer sun," grinned Atem.

"Yeah!" said Yugi ebulliently.


Jou had to work an earlier shift at the hardware store today, leaving Yugi to walk home. As he started out, he saw Atem sitting under their oak. Smiling, he started walking toward him.


Honk Honk!

That sound caused Yugi to stop in his tracks as an ugly lime green sedan screeched to a halt across the field from where Atem sat.

"Atem!" an old man's gravelly voice screeched from within the car.

Atem flinched, face paling and countenance falling visibly at this sound. Suddenly, he was grabbing his things and getting to his feet.

The driver of the car, an old man with dark skin like Atem's, a scraggly white beard and a patch over his left eye started yelling at Atem in a language Yugi didn't understand as Atem slowly approached the car, head down and shoulders drooping. Slinking like a dog that was used to being beaten on, Atem sank into the back seat, shutting his door. The car peeled out with a squeal of its tires and Atem was gone.

'He's not fighting on the way home from school,' Yugi realized. 'Something's happening to him at his place!'

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