New Departures

77 4 2

Sunday, April 24, 2005
Mai's Clinic

Yugi took each article of clothing from Atem, folded it into four neat squares as Atem always did, and laid it on one of the chairs. As the now gowned Atem sat on the exam table, Yugi couldn't help but admire the strong, toned calves that peered out from under the thin paper folds of the gown.

"Good. Good. These are almost completely healed," Mai said as she gazed with cool approval at the fading welts on Atem's back.

"Do I still need bandages?" Atem asked.

"I don't think so. Use up the remainder of the ointment just the way you have been. Once it's gone, you won't need anymore," Mai instructed.

Atem nodded.

"Now lie down," Mai instructed.

With a gulp, Atem lay on his back on the table. After lifting up the gown, Mai began feeling around his belly, pressing in while moving her fingers in small circles.

"Bear down," Mai commanded.

Trying to swallow his whimpers, Atem closed his eyes and clung tightly to Yugi as he pushed down with his abdominal muscles and felt his nether cheeks being parted and the slick, cool finger rimming him before pushing gently in. As he felt the invader push its way further in, Atem gave up all pretense at strength and buried his face in Yugi's shirt.

Yugi gently rubbed Atem's back as he watched Mai's examination of him, wishing that Atem need not undergo this invasive procedure.

The only thing enabling Atem to endure the feeling of being violated in this manner was the gentleness of Mai's movements inside him and Yugi's comforting touch on his back.

"Bear down," came Mai's command after a seeming eternity.

Atem did so and breathed a sigh of relief as Mai withdrew from within him. He tensed up a second later when he felt the warm, moist towelette being run over his crevice to remove the remaining lubricant.

"You'll be glad to know you're fully healed and I won't have to do that to you again... except of course when I check your prostate," stated Mai.

Poor Atem could only cling to Yugi.

"Thanks, Mai-sensei," said Yugi for both of them.

"You can get dressed now," said Mai as she left the room.

"Well, that wasn't too bad, was it?" asked Yugi as he handed Atem each article of clothing around the screen.

"It's not the worst I've felt," Atem's voice rumbled.

Yugi frowned. No, no it wasn't.

That night...


That sound from down the hall was enough to startle Yugi from a sound sleep, causing him to prop himself up on his elbows and listen.

"No! Stop touching me!"

At the sounds of Atem's anguished cries, Yugi flipped off his blanket, went over to his door and peeked down the dark hallway.


"It hurts! Take it out!"

A deeply frowning Yugi made his way down the hallway until he stood before Atem's door. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Yugi gingerly pushed open the door to the Egyptian's room and peeked in. In the darkness, he could just make out Atem thrashing on the bed, limbs once again entangled in the bedclothes.

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