Off to the Tournament

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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Click click click click

This was the only sound to be heard as two tricolors worked slowly and carefully on fitting the remaining puzzle pieces together. Sitting side by side, each tricolor picked a piece to click into the partially finished puzzle that reposed on Atem's computer desk. First Atem would attempt to fit a piece in and if that didn't work, Yugi would try. If neither one worked, they would discard those pieces and pick up two more. Slowly, but surely the puzzle was taking shape.

Saturday, August 7, 2005

Click click clickity click

At Atem's computer desk as they had been every evening since his birthday, two tricolors gazed in amazement at the almost complete puzzle. Reaching into the box, Atem pulled out the final piece: the Eye of Wadjet centerpiece.

While Yugi held the puzzle up, Atem slipped it into place with a good, satisfying... click.

"You did it!" cried Yugi happily at the sight of the complete, solid gold, 3D pyramid.

"We did it, habibi. Thank you for your help," corrected Atem, wrapping an arm around Yugi and squeezing him.

"Put it on! I wanna see how it looks!" cried Yugi in excitement.

With a nod, Atem slipped the leather cord around his neck and stood before his mirror, admiring the gold pendant that leaned so gracefully against his chest.

Yugi gasped at how awesome Atem looked with the puzzle around his neck. Suddenly, the Pharaoh from his dreams was standing before him in the flesh.

"I think Grandpa was right about you and the Pharaoh," he mused as he wrapped his arms around Atem's waist.

"Perhaps, but I wouldn't switch places with the ancient pharaoh," declared Atem.

"Why not?" asked Yugi incredulously.

"Because, he didn't have you," answered Atem, wrapping his arms around Yugi and hugging his habibi to himself.

"Atem... can I tell you about something I've never told you about before? Nothing bad," Yugi asked, even as he felt the tingling heat in his cheeks.

"Please do," answered Atem, giving a final hug before leading Yugi over to his bed and sitting down.

Yugi took a deep breath, gaze darting between the puzzle and Atem's expectant face.

"Ever since I started working on the puzzle, I've been having these dreams, that I think are more than dreams," he began.

Atem cocked his head in puzzlement at this statement.

"I dream... I'm in Ancient Egypt and I'm still me, except my skin's darker and everyone calls me... He-bai," Yugi started.

"Hebai is Ancient Egyptian for 'playful' or 'frolicsome'," Atem explained.

"Kinda like my name is Japanese for 'game'," put in Yugi.

Atem smiled.

"And then there's this Pharaoh. And I'm in love with him. He's always calling me meriu, holding and kissing me, doing more..." Yugi trailed off, cheeks tinging even redder.

"And what does this Pharaoh look like?" Atem asked, seemingly neither amused nor offended, for which Yugi was grateful.

"Exactly like you," Yugi answered solemnly. "Except he's always dressed in Ancient Egyptian clothes, the white skirt..."

"The shenti is more of a kilt than a skirt," Atem reproved a bit stiffly.

"... enough gold to make a statue of himself, and the puzzle. He wears it in every single dream, well except the ones where he's not... fully dressed," Yugi blushed again.

Atem's eyebrows raised and his lips quirked up in amusement as a blushing Yugi could only bury his face in Atem's shirt, careful not to hit the puzzle.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Domino University Library

"Well, gents, that time of year is coming. As the top duelists in this circle..." Bakura began.

"More like only duelists," snickered Jou, only to receive a whap and a glare from Atem.

"Really, Jou," the Egyptian glowered.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yugi giggled at the sight of his boyfriend reprimanding his best friend.

"Ahem!" Bakura emphatically cleared his throat. "As the top duelists in this circle, we have the honor of representing Domino University in the regional championship this year. Since you two were at your high school regionals last year, you won't need to register. Atem, since you've never competed, you'll need to register. However, that won't be a problem because this year, I2 is offering online registration!"

"Cool!" cried Yugi and Jou in unison.

Atem's eyes widened at Bakura's invitation. For years, he had longed to compete in a Duel Monsters tournament, but he had never allowed it. Now that his life was his to do as he pleased with, should he go to the I2 site and enter?

"I..." he began.

Then he stopped. As badly as he wanted to enter, when he closed his eyes, he saw that sneering face with the single brown eye glaring disapprovingly at him having anything to do with Duel Monsters and he felt his insides clench up. A broken breath escaped his lips.

"Uh, we'll think about it and get back to you," said Yugi, quickly stepping into the breach for Atem.

"Very well," replied Bakura, a note of disappointment in his voice.

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