Psychology and Theology

89 3 1

Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Domino University

Yugi's eyes widened and his blood ran cold in his veins as Atem entered the room, walking slowly with his arms wrapped about his body. The right side of his jaw sported a huge black and blue bruise, which looked very painful.

'He musta gotten in a fight after school. But Bakura said he was able to beat up bullies bigger than him in high school. Maybe those two guys from before jumped him?' Yugi wondered to himself as he watched Atem sink slowly into the seat next to him.

"Hi," Yugi ventured softly.

Startled, Atem snapped his head to the side. Upon seeing Yugi's friendly smile and large eyes, he visibly relaxed, as though he finally felt safe.

"Hi," he returned in a small voice.

'A one word response? Something's definitely wrong,' Yugi thought.

"You OK?" he asked, not wanting to directly inquire about the bruise for fear of setting the Egyptian off.

"Yes," Atem returned flatly.

"You sure?" Yugi asked.

Before Atem could answer, the professor entered and everyone stood up for the "good morning".


Yugi made his way over to the oak tree, worry weighing his heart down. Atem had been dead silent throughout their morning class, only responding with one or two words at the most. Ah! There he was, already under the tree.

"Hi, Atem," he called to keep from startling his twin.

Atem looked over.

"Hello, Yugi," he said without smiling.

"Can I sit?" Yugi asked.

At the nod from Atem, Yugi plopped down to his side. For several moments, neither of them moved or spoke. At last, the silence became unbearable for Yugi.

"Didja get in a fight?" he inquired.

A beat.

"No and I don't care to discuss it," Atem answered, the shortness in his voice squelching any further questions on Yugi's part.

"OK..." sighed Yugi, now reaching into his backpack. "Wanna eat and do our homework?"

"Very well," Atem answered, reaching into his backpack as well.

After eating some bratwurst and potato salad while finishing their assignments, Yugi and Atem fell into talking, as Atem didn't seem up to dueling today. Soon, they stumbled into Ancient Egyptian theology, something they found they both loved, but Atem was way more knowledgeable about.

"In his jealousy of Osiris, Set killed his brother and dismembered him, flinging his body parts all over Kemet; an arm here, a leg there," Atem recited to a wide eyed Yugi. "Wild with grief, Isis journeyed all over, retrieving Osiris' body parts, and reassembled his body. She spent three days and nights chanting a spell to reanimate Osiris' body, thus allowing him to journey to the afterlife."

"What happened to Set?" asked Yugi.

"Patience, Yugi," purred Atem. "Before Osiris went to the afterlife, he and Isis had a son named Horus. Horus grew up under the guidance of Osiris, who would frequently return from the afterlife to visit his family. When Horus came of age, he went to war against his uncle and slew him."

"Sounds like justice was served," said Yugi admiringly.

A dark shadow passed over Atem's features.

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