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Love Me Right| Popularity is Not My Style

Juliana's POV

Here I am now with Tae Woon and his gang. Eating. When I looked up is saw EXO being surrounded by girls and my friends are with them. Why am I not surprised? But, I think they got sick of my attitude.
"Hey Jules why can't you be popular? I mean, you're the granddaughter of one of the richest man in the Philippines?" Redson asked. I sighed. I looked at EXO looking at me with curious eyes.
'guess they agreed to huh?'
"W-well, Popular is just not my style"-i said and they all laughed.
"How could it not be your style? I mean your surrounded with popular guys?" Meldrick asked.
"What are you trying to point out?" I asked eyeing his suspiciously. Then he gestured us to come close to him. And we did.
"Well I mean your uncle is the great........Lee Soo Man, like the owner of SME, right? So you might have been living with those guys lately and they're super popular" he said pointing to EXO. So we came back to eating and glanced at EXO again. I saw D.O looking at us or more like glaring. So I shrugged.
"So you should actually be popular by now, yet, you're not showing" Kraig said.i sighed and stood up.
"I'm not too showy and I don't want to be popular, as I said, it's not my style" I said and walked to put my plate to the dish washer.
"Hey, you okay?" Tae Woon asked.

'where the Hell did you come from?'

"Y-yeah, yeah, of course, it's just that....I don't want people telling me to just show all I have. I'm not that kind of person who craves for popularity and attention, I just hate it" I said. He sighed, gives me a reassuring smile and held my shoulders.

"Hey, look, I know that you don't want that, but you are always popular to me in any way. So ignore those bitches and do what you want. Oh and I noticed D.O? He's been looking at you a lot, and I caught him glaring at us. You think he's jealous? Coz I do" he said which made me flustered.

"Ummmm....forget it, come on class is gonna start soon"I said leading the way out of the cafeteria.

'Oh and I noticed D.O? He's been looking at you a lot, and I caught him glaring at us. You think he's jealous? Coz I do'

"Pfffttt.....D.O jealous? Pfffttt...no...jealous of what?"I asked my self. I bumped on to someone again.

'okay now why exactly do I keep bumping on someone today?'

"S-s-sorry" I said. And looked up. It was Jungkook. Again.

"N-no it's okay I didn't mean to bump into you again." He said

"H-huh why are you apologizing when it's not your fault?" I asked.

"Well I just--"

"It's not a habit right?"I asked.

"No! It's just that....I do"he said and I laughed. He just like me.

"Jungkook and you are..?"he said lending his hand which I hesitantly accepted.

'its not bad to be friends right?

"Juliana, call me whatever you want I got a lot of nicknames"I said and smiled.

"Well, I want mine to be unique.... has anyone called you Yana yet?"he asked.

"Well.....no no one has ever called me that yet."I replied.

"Then Yana it is"he said and looked down his phone.

"Yana I gotta go now see you later!"he said running away then I nodded.

"Yeah! Later!"I said. I walked back to the classroom and saw girls surrounding EXO again which made me roll my eyes. I sighed and sat on my chair. And placed my elbow on my desk and rested my face on my palm looking at them.

"Yeah see popularity is really not my style"

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