The Way You Bite Your Lip

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The next morning, Melissa hadn't come home from work, but Erica was there and could make a decent pancake. Stiles was telling people to set the table and stuff. When all the jobs were handed out, Scott turned to him.

"Hey, can you go wake Robin? He's gonna want some food." Stiles nodded and headed upstairs.

This time, Robin was already up and moving. He had just gotten out of the shower and was digging through his dresser trying to find a shirt. He turned to Stiles after the older teen stepped on a creaky floorboard. Stiles smiled at him.

"Hey, Erica's making pancakes. Come down when you're ready." Stiles gaze shifted to Robin's walls. He had finally put up his posters.

"You like All Time Low?" Stiles pointed to the poster that was the exact same as the one he had in his room. Robin nodded as he shrugged on a shirt.

"Yeah, Robert Dawson is one hell of a drummer and I like trying to add on to his shit, but eh." He shrugged and Stiles raised an eyebrow. Robin headed over to where his phone was resting on his bed last night and crouched down to try to find it under the bed.

"You play?" Robin pointed to a large picture of him on the opposite wall. It was a candid of him on his drums. Several other photos of various sizes were all around it, but Stiles didn't look at them. He tried to take in every detail as he took a step towards it to examine it closer.

 He tried to take in every detail as he took a step towards it to examine it closer

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"Did you print this?" Stiles turned his head, but his eyes didn't move. The way the Robin was so absorbed in his drumming was beautiful.

"No, my boyfriend at the time was a photographer and he took it and had it printed. I don't normally keep many pictures of myself, but this one was good and showed me doing something I love, so I kept it." Robin found his phone and shoved it in his pocket as he stood up. "Come on."

When they got downstairs, Robin headed towards Erica and Stiles went to talk to Scott.

"Need any help?" Erica shook her head.

"No, but if you know how to make something else to go with it, that would be great." She smiled at him and then flipped the pancake that was in the pan.

"I can cook potatoes with onions and chop up some fruit if you'd like." When she turned to look at him with a curious gaze, he shrugged. "I really like food and when I was living with Benji, he couldn't cook worth a shit, so I did."

"You lived away from Aunt Elaine?" Scott looked up from his conversation with Stiles. "Who's Benji?"

Robin nodded and ignored the second question. "Yeah, but after my first arrest, Mom told me I had to move back in." Only Stiles noticed the unanswered question and he tilted his head curiously. He reminded Robin of a puppy and he had to turn back to face the stove to keep from grinning at his thoughts.

"Alright. Well, that all sounds delicious, but do you have everything?" Erica pulled a pancake out of the pan and started another one as Robin searched for his ingredients. He found an onion, some potatoes, and quite a bit of fruit.

"Yeah, now I just need a pan, a wooden spoon, and," Robin crouched down to a cabinet and pulled out what he was looking for. "A cutting board." He said holding up the board. Stiles walked forward and got him the pan and spoon.

Robin started making his share and Erica finished up more pancakes as everyone else headed to the living room until food was ready.

"Why are you here?" Erica's question confused him and he glanced at her for a second before turning back to the potatoes he was cutting up.

"What?" She didn't turn to face him and just sighed.

"I mean, I know you're here for community service; Scott tells us everything, but why did you get in to so much trouble?" She pulled another pancake from the pan.

Robin sighed.

"It's a long story, maybe some other time." He started on the onion.

"Alright, but I'm holding you to that." She pointed at him with the spatula and he nodded.

They worked in silence for only a moment before Robin pulled his phone out and put his library on shuffle.

'You've got me shakin' from the way you're talking' Robin finished cutting the onion with minimum tears and Erica put another scoop of batter in the pan.

'My heart is breaking but there's no use crying'

'What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes'

'If I had common sense I'd cut myself or curl up and die' He brought the bowl of potatoes and onions over to the stove next to Erica as she flipped another pancake.

'Sticks and stones could break my bones'

'But anything you say will only full my lungs' He cut the burner on and turned around to lean on the stove as he waited for it to heat up.

'Don't mind us we're just spillin' our guts'

'If this is love I don't wanna be loved'

'You pollute the room with a filthy tongue'

'Watch me choke it down, so I can throw it up' Robin sang along quietly. Erica listened along and smiled small; Robin had an amazing singing voice.

After a while, Robin and Erica cut their burners off and rinsed the pans in the sink. Erica put the food on the table as Robin started expertly cutting up the fruit. He put it in another bowl and set that on the table as Erica called everyone in.

"Woah, there's actually food." Everyone gave Scott an unimpressed look except Isaac who shook his head fondly at the boy.

"That's what happens when you want breakfast." Robin went to cut his phone off, but stopped when the next song started to play. He watched everyone get themselves some food as he leant against the counter. Stiles prepared a second plate and handed it to Robin when he noticed that the younger teen hadn't gotten any food yet.

Robin smiled with a small thank you and joined everyone at the table.

'Who will fix me now?'

'Dive in when I'm down?' Erica smiled at him as she shoved a large bite of potatoes in her mouth, Robin chuckled lightly.

'Save me from myself?' The door opening and keys jingling brought everyone's attention to the doorway where Melissa was now standing. She smiled at everyone and looked at the food on the table.

'Don't let me drown'

"Robin, did you make potatoes?" She knew no one else knew how to make anything. He nodded. "Thanks." Everyone mumbled an agreement around the food in their face and Melissa and Robin chuckled.

Trouble Maker ** Stiles Stilinski [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now