Chapter 12

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After staring at the walls for what seemed like hours in confusion, Zoe dragged me out of the house and declared that we needed to go to the mall.

I had called Zoe after Tyler had brought me home earlier in the morning and I finally told her everything. And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING.

Everything from the first time I had realized I liked Tyler to when he kissed me last night, oh and everything in between.

Sure Zoe was a little hurt that I hadn't told her everything before, but she said she understood why I didn't tell anyone anything until now.

Every girl needs a best friend to help her keep her mind strait.

Seeing that the nearest mall was an hour away, we didn't go there that much. So whenever we did we loaded up.

I am surprised my mom let me come today seeing that she is still mad at me slightly or at least I thought. I guess she has gotten over being mad.

“We are here!” Zoe exclaimed from beside me.

We are here already? I guess I was in my own little world.

We reached the front entrance of the mall and that's when Zoe went crazy. Let’s just say Zoe gets a little shopping crazy when she enters a mall.

“What store should we hit first? Forever 21? PacSun? American Eagle? Oh cute shoes!” I didn't even get to respond before Zoe dragged me into some random store.


Around two hours later we were in another random store and I was sitting on one of the benches while Zoe was trying on a few shirts. I was so bored and hungry right now. Oh and my phone just died.

I am so going to the food court after Zoe gets done. I want some pizza or maybe some Chinese food oh or-

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a very familiar voice. A voice that I really didn't want to hear at the moment.


“Yeah I know. It’s not my fault that he is a great kisser and extremely hot. I mean don't get me wrong, Tyler is hot and all but when compared to Aaron he is like a two.” I heard Kelsey tell one of her minions.

One of the “minions” spoke up and what she said made me want to punch her out right then and there. “I heard that after you guys broke up he joined a gang with like drugs.”

I bit my tongue and clenched my fists. ‘Don't say anything. Ignore them.You don't want to be destroyed again’ I chanted to myself in my head. It worked until Kelsey opened her big mouth again.

“ I only dated him again because I felt sorry for him. His mom is pretty messed up you known with his father leaving her for another women and his sister is a total brat.” That's when I lost it.

I stood up and walked right over to them.

“Listen here you little twit. Why would Tyler ever join a gang and get into drugs? Hell where is he even supposed to find a gang in a town like this? To even think that is just plain ridiculous and with you being his ex girlfriend you should know that. Oh and let me explain something, if you ever and I mean ever call his sister a brat or say that his mom is messed up again, I will mess your face up worse than it already is. Didn't you spread enough lies the first time Kelsey? Just leave Tyler alone!”

I took a step back. My chest was rising up and down quickly due to the anger I was feeling. I may have just set myself up for ruination.

Ruination. Is that a word? I think so. If not just pretend it is.

Anyways, I guess she can ruin what I don't have.

“Oh look Tyler's little stalker is here to save the day. Ha you are so pathetic. Don't you get it? Tyler will never love you no matter how many times you defend him. Open your eyes and face reality Taylor. Come on girls lets get out of here before the freak starts rubbing off on us.”

I watched in silence as Kelsey and her “minions” walked out of the store and disappeared into the crowd of people.

My heart sank and I leaned against one of the white columns as my head started to spin. What is  going on anymore?


“Taylor? Are you ok?”

I lifted my head to see Zoe standing looking at me with concern. I stood up and nodded my head which made my head hurt.

“Yeah I am fine. My head started hurting so I sat down.”


“Come on lets go get some food because I am starving.”

Why did I just lie? I just promised Zoe not even four hours before that there would be no more lies or secrets kept. Yet here I am lying. I am such a bad friend.

I need a coffee.


Later that evening I was sitting on my bed working on some last minute homework when I felt my phone buzz beside me. Putting my pencil down, I unlocked my screen and saw that I had gotten a text.

From: Tyler

Meet me at Friendly's coffee shop in thirty.


Ugh what does he want now? I got up and put my textbook aside and threw on some decent clothes. I snuck down the stairs quietly seeing that I am still grounded and right as I reached to front door and voice spoke up.

“Sissy? Where are you going?” I heard a voice say quite loudly.

I whirled around to see my brother standing in the kitchen doorway. I mentally groaned as I heard my mom’s footsteps approaching.

“Where do you think you are going young lady?”


I cleared my throat a made up an excuse, “Well you see, umm, I forgot that I had a project due with Zoe due tomorrow. I need to go get it and finish a couple of things?”

My excuse came out more as a question and I held my breath has my mother studied my face to see if I was lying.

“Ok but I want you back in this house within the hour. Do you understand me?” I nodded my head and ran out the door.


When I got to the small coffee shop I saw that Tyler was already there sitting at one of the small wooden tables.

I ordered my coffee and then I went and took a seat in front of him.

“Why did you want me to meet you here?” I asked getting straight to the point. I never was one to beat around the bush.

“I just wanted to thank you. You made me realize something last night and after thinking about it for all of today I decided to do something.”

Oh my gosh is this it? Is this my dreams coming true? Is Tyler finally going to ask me to be his girlfriend?

“I got back together with Kelsey.”


Finally an update. I am sorry for the long wait.

This story is sadly coming to an end because I have decided that there is only going to be one more chapter left.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story though.

Vote, Comment, maybe even Fan?(;


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