Chapter 7

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*Announcement at the end. Please read!*

“Taylor, please come downstairs!”

I groaned and rolled over in my bed pulling the covers over my head. I didn't want to get up from my nice, warm, and comfy bed. We have a strong relationship going on right now and I don't want to ruin it.

Too bad I had to get up. I didn't want to my my mother any more mad than she already is. That wouldn't be a very good idea.

I stepped of the last step and walked into the living room where my mother, Martha, and Tyler stood.

“We have decided on the punishment you both will receive.” My mother said to us in a bitter tone. I guess that she was still pretty mad.

At least we didn't leave the kids alone..

“You both are going to clean this entire house from top to bottom. I want the floors to shine and the glasses to sparkle. Do you understand me?” My mother explained to us. I groaned internally at the thought of cleaning this entire house.

“Yeah we understand.” I agreed as Tyler nodded his head.

“Good. We are going to take Gavin and Calli out for the day. We will be back at exactly 6 o’clock tonight. This house better be cleaned.” Martha told us before my mom, her, and our siblings left.

Once the door shut I left out a groan and walked over to the cleaning closet. I opened the door and grabbed mops, brooms, sponges, and other random cleaning supplies.

“What are you doing?” Tyler asked me as I was pulling everything out. I dropped everything into a pile in the middle of the floor and then turned to him and gave him a look that basically said ‘Are you stupid or something’.

“Wait. Did you seriously think that we were going to clean this?” Tyler asked and I was confused. When I didn't say anything Tyler started to laugh hysterically.

I stopped what I was doing and put my hands on my hips. Raising my eyebrow I asked. “What the heck is wrong with you?”

After taking a few minutes to sober up, he answered me, “I am not going to clean this house are you crazy?”

“Well, I sure the heck aren't going to clean it myself!” I quickly responded back. He was not leaving me here to clean this whole house by myself. No way no how.

“You aren't going to clean it either. Just give me a minute.” Tyler said as he pulled out his phone. I watched in curiosity as he dialed some number. It wasn't until he stated to speak that I knew exactly what he was doing.

“Yes Careful Cleaners, I would like to hire your best set of cleaners from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.” Pause “Ok that's great thank you! Our address is 717 Honey Tree Lane. See you soon.” He hung up then turned to  me.

“Now since that's settled, let's go.” Tyler said to me before grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

Oh no.

“No no no no no NO! TYLER GET BACK HERE!” I exclaimed before running after him. I stood there outside, in front of his window, in my pajamas.

“You are crazy! We just got in trouble for sneaking out and now you want to do it again? You’re an idiot!” I told him sternly.

Tyler rolled his eyes and continued getting in his truck, “Come on live a little Taylor. We won't get caught and if we do I will be your servant for a week, deal?”

I bit my lip and pondered over the proposal. After weight the pros and the cons I decided that I did need to live a little and that I would go with Tyler.

I walked over to the passenger side and got in. When Tyler didn't start his truck I looked over at him and found him looking at me.

“What?” I questioned him.

Tyler smirked,” As much as I love your pajamas, you might want to change before we leave.” I looked down and saw that I was still wearing my polka dot sleep shorts and a simple tanktop.

I quickly fled the truck and ran back inside to change. We that was embarrassing.


“Really Tyler!”

That’s all I said as we pulled up at the amusement park. After I got dressed quickly, Tyler drove for almost an hour seeing that we had to go two towns over just to get here.

“Yes now come on. Lets have some fun.”

As we bought our tickets and entered the park I started to feel excited. I have not been to an amusement park since I was much smaller.

Around us stood stands selling popcorn, funnel cakes, and a ton of rides. Oh and don't forget the game booths.

“Lets go ride the tea cups first! No the roller coaster! Oh oh the swings!” I said as I jumped up in down.

“Calm down. We can do as many of the rides as we can now come on!” Tyler told me before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the roller coaster.


In the end we did ride a lot of rides and Tyler even won me a stuffed giraffe. I don't known why he was acting like this. Being nice I mean.

“Let’s go get some ice cream.” Tyler suggested as we got back to his truck. I agreed quickly and buckled up.

I was just sitting there thinking on the way back home. Just why is he being so nice?

“We are here.”

I looked up and saw the oh so familiar sign of the ice cream parlor. Peppermint Patties has the best ice cream ever!

We went in and ordered our ice cream. I ended up getting a chocolate covered cherry ice cream cone and sat down across from Tyler in the small booth.

We sat in silence eating our ice cream that is before I broke the silence,”Thank you.”

Tyler looked up and gave me this weird look, something mixed with confusion and happiness. Weird.

“No problem. Thanks for actually coming and living a little.” He said with a smile.

I smiled back and then glanced around the small parlor. I froze mid lick of my ice cream when I saw something that I shouldn't have.

Kelsey and Aaron kissing.

I ended up dropping my ice cream and my mouth fell open in utter shock.

No way.

“Taylor, what are you staring at.” Tyler asked.

Then he turned and looked.


Well there you go! Oh and a cliff hanger! Don't hate me!(;

What do you think about this chapter? Any comments?

*I have exams coming up so I will not be updating this story until January 19th! I am sorry but I need to focus on my review and test!*

Vote, Comment, & maybe even Fan?(;


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