Chapter 7

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I'm The Good Girl, He's The Bad Boy. Your Typical Love Story...I Think Not


Lying on the stretcher is an unconscious Kane.

Recap End

Chapter 7:

I gasp loudly at the sight of his battered body. His face was crumpled up in pain, his eyes shut, and his whole face blue and black with bruises everywhere. His t-shirt was ripped in half so only the top part of it hung over his torso. His jeans were ripped and torn from areas and I could so much blood oozing down his chest and legs. The scene was horrible. Next to him, lying on another stretcher was another boy. Not as handsome as Kane but pretty close. His condition was the same. Bloody, torn, and battered. I felt the pain hit my chest as I collapsed next to the stretcher. A bunch of paramedics were taking notes on a clip board. The crowd was whispering eagerly wondering what happened while others were recited what happened to the curious passerbys.

My heart felt weak and torn as I looked at the sight of his mangled body. I gently took his hand, as the tears fell down my cheeks. This wasn't how I was supposed to meet him. I was supposed to go to the grocery store to tell him he can stay with us, he'd be happy, hug me, and we would both go back to my house. (Not in that way you perverts. Haha joking but seriously no) My face crumpled up as one of the paramedics told me to get up and they needed to get him to the hospital immediately. Running through the crowd, I ran back to my car and jumped inside following the ambulance as it made it's way down the lonesome road and onto the busy street.

At the hospital, I had to find a parking spot a million miles away. Reaching the doors of the emergency center, I ran inside to the counter. The lady behind it look appalled. "Kane Verona, um what room is he in," I ask the lady frantically. "Hold on a moment please," she says looking through the computer. "Oh he's currently in the ICU. You may wait outside the door until the operation is done. ICU is located on the fifth floor, north corridor, at the end of the right hallway," she told me.

I ran to the elevator, pressing the button frantically. At the fifth floor, I ran into the north corridor and down the right hand side hallway. At the end was a waiting room among a door with a big red sigh that said ICU. I sat down on one of the chairs knowing I can't do anything else but wait.

-A While Later-

I yawned as I was awoken by the sound of a television. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a waiting room of a hospital. Looking around the day's events hit me. Kane, where is he? Is he fine? I jumped up off the chair, my back aching and went to the counter where there was another lady.

"Yes how can I help you," she asked me. "Um Kane Verona, is he out of the ICU," I ask the lady. "Lemme check....yup he's admitted in room 506. Right down this hallway," she chimes. I walk down the hallway eager to see him. As I approach room 506, a doctor comes out of the room, writes something on a clipboard before walking into the next room. I enter the room silently not wanting to disturb him if he's sleeping. My eyes widen at the sight inside the hospital room. He's laying down on the bed, sleeping peacefully with his left leg in a cast and raised up and his right arm in a cast. His head has a bunch of bandages on them. He looks so peaceful despite the many black and purple bruises painted on his face and arms. I sit down next to him on a waiting chair.

I softly grab his hand willing him to wake up. I might've not known him for that long, but I've known him enough to know that I like him very much. I sigh as I lean my head down on the bed waiting for him to wake up.


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