Chapter 11

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I'm The Good Girl, He's The Bad Boy. Your Typical Love Story...I Think Not

Chapter 11

I looked at Kane, wide-eyed as I listened to the click of the heels. Definitely a girl....oh god that must've been my stupid moment, of course it's a girl. It's a girl's bathroom. He looked at me absolutely calm and signaled me to be quiet. I zipped my mouth and waited for him to do something. He slowly peeked up from the top of the stall before shooting downwards.

"It's Mrs. Clark," he tells me, his eyes wide. My eyes filled with panic as I shot him a worried look while biting my lip. He motions for me to stand on the toilet seat which I immediately go to do but kneel down so Mrs. Clark couldn't see me. He softly walks over to the corner of the toilet and pushes his back against the wall motioning me to stay still. We hear one of the stall doors close and wait for her to finish her business and leave.

Finally we hear the restroom door close and we both sigh in relief. Me getting down from the closed toilet seat and Kane pushes himself off the wall unlocking the stall door. We both smile at the relief and just as we're about to walk out we come to a stop.

In our tracks standing is Mrs. Clark and she doesn't look too happy.

"I absolutely cannot believe you two pulled a stunt like this. Ditching class, hiding in a women's bathroom Mr. Verona, inappropriate actions Ms. Smith," Mrs. Clark lectures us looking at us sharply with her prim glasses sitting on the top of her nose. Her gray hair is neatly up on top in a bun with a few graying strands framing her face. Her face is filled with disappointment and shock.

"I'm sorry guys but this was just very inappropriate and past the high school standards. I let you off during this afternoon after lunch for PDA but not this time. Mr. Verona I will be informing the city's juvenile office and Ms. Smith you and Mr. Verona both will volunteer your time to clean the cafeteria for the rest of the two weeks in this month," Mrs. Clark informs us. I groan slightly at the fact of staying after school, scrubbing floors and tables. But my face brightens up at the fact that Kane will be with me after school.

"Now Mrs. Bartlett, the secretary will escort you to your next classes as in to make sure you guys reach there on time," she tells us with her scrutinizing eyes. We both nod and head back outside where a glaring Mrs. Bartlett is waiting. Mrs. Bartlett is a 70 something old grumpy lady who hates kids. She's always finding things in every student to blame to Mrs. Clark about.

I sigh in pleasure and comfort as Kane takes my hand and we follow Mrs. Bartlett to Bio.


Sorry it's short

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