chapter 2

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Tae POV (at home)

"Taylor do them dishes" my mom yelled.
"But I didn't use any dishes" I yelled right back.
"Did I ask you if you used them, or did I say wash them"?
"Wash them" I mumbled back. Why can't everyone just wash they own dishes.
Finally finish the dishes and all my homework, when daedae text me.
Daedae: hey why did you run off as soon as the bell ring?
Me: one of those girls were staring at me. It felt so weird.
Daedae: you need to stay away.
Me: I will, why are they so bad.
Daedae: they're in a very dangerous gang, they're like assassins.
Me: them why are they in school?
Daedae: because they have parents duhh. And going to school would help keep a lower profile.
Me: well goodnight.
Daedae: wait... can you send me a picture of the science homework.
Me : yeah dummy
Daedae: just because I copy doesn't mean I'm dumb, I'm just very lazy
Me: Yea whatever, goodnight
Daedae: goodnight
Daedae: I'm picking you up tomorrow be ready by 7 45
Me: why? I have car
Daedae: but I want to so be ready

In left her on read, and put my phone on the charger. I guess I'll write a poem in my journal.

Title: Forbidden (I wrote it so it might not be good).
    Forbidden are the things I choose not to say,
but that doesn't mean that these things don't replay
in my mind I see these lights or sites
and it gives me this unknown type of
high makes me think that I am capable to fly,
fly so high that I'm in space but then I have to think is it okay
because they're in space you cannot breathe
it's the feeling of sacrificing your own needs
I Lay my needs out as they bleed
but before I can shout I freeze because I realized these things come from me
from my head as I lay in this bed
as Darkness surrounds and there's no sound this is my fear,
cuz no sound is the key to what's inside a head
I'm stuck in this bed and attempts to escape these thoughts
forbidden things I do not mention
no one will know the true intentions.

I put my journal down and went to sleep. My last thought was why was she staring at me.

Jordan POV (the next day)

Carmen, Mo, dez, and me are standing in the hallway, D ez is trying to make me do a bet.
Dez: come on, the least you can so is lose, and take us out to eat and pay.

Me: but that doesn't mean I wanna have a random girl fall for me, usually they throw themselves at me. I would win anyways.

Dez: that's exactly why you should do it though, its easy money for you 200 at that.

Me: alright who's the girl

Dez: I saw a girl at lunch yesterday, I think she's new and her name is Taylor but her friends call her tae. She's your girl. Oh and you have 3 months do it.

Me: when do I start.

Dez: today. Let the games begin

And with that I went to class. I have 1st block with her, so I'll get her number there.
I walked in and went right to my seat, she sits across at the desk in front of me.
"Hey" I whisper.
"What?" She says back.
"Can I get your number"
"Why not" I ask
"Because you hang out with that weird girl that was staring at me yesterday. You could be trying to kid nap me,.... since your an assasin and all."
", I have no reason to kidnap you. And  I just want your number." I said
"Yeah and the answers still no" she said and turns back around
"Well I'll  get it one way or another, so just know tonight, when a unknown number texts'll be me.

And with that I walked out of class.
"Jordan come back to class now" Mr. Larry said
"I will tomorrow, maybe".
I kept walking, I need to visit kyla. She can find anybody, and everything about them and I need to get Taylor's number, and address.

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