Chapter 2: Meet The Lancasters

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After yet another horrible day of school , I walk home to where my mother is hopefully preparing some grilled cheese sandwiches. The aroma of the molten mozzarella forces me to head down to the kitchen, where my mother is preparing my small meal. I quickly sit down at the kitchen table and silently wait for my mother’s conversation on the phone to end. I want to tell her about how crappy my day was, so that hopefully she’d make me some fries along with those sandwiches.

While still talking on the phone, she hands me my plate of sandwiches and also pours me a glass of ice cool water.  She quickly hangs up her  phone and heads to the kitchen basin to do some dishes. After school, it was always ritual that I tell her about my day, while she would clean up this morning’s dishes.

“So, how was your day Holly?” She asks while putting on her yellow rubber gloves.

“I am not allowed to swear in front of adults, so it’s better if I don’t tell you.” I take a bite from sandwich that has finally cooled off a little.

“Really? That bad.”

“Yeah.” I say while folding my arms.

“Did your friends make fun of your hair again?” I roll my eyes at her guess.  Seriously, why can’t people leave my hair alone?

“No! Well yes, but that’s not really it.”

“Then what?”

“It’s a boy who....”

“Oh my gosh, did you say it was a boy?” She interrupts me while wiping her hands on her apron and quickly sits down opposite me. After seeing her brightly lit face at my mention of a boy, I already begin to regret the conversation that I am going to have with her right now.

“It’s nothing like that, mom. I was going to get a smoothie for Donnie, and this boy pushed me aside and grabbed the last one. I asked him to give the one he originally stole from me, but instead  he purposely spilled the drink on me.” She nods up and down while I explain the situation to her.  

“Was he cute?” I frown at her question. But, yes he was cute despite the fact he was a complete asshole.

“I guess... but it doesn’t matter how he looks like, because I hate that douche.” My mother giggles and then pinches my cheek.

“Hate is a really strong word to use Holly. Maybe, there’s more to him than you think.”

“Well, I don’t care about him. I just hope I never have to see his stupid face again.”

My mother Amy Knight is a hopeless romantic. Unlike me, she believes in fairytales and love at first sight, that too thanks to all those Nicholas Sparks novels she reads. Also, because when she was in college, she found “the one” also known as my dad at the movie premiere of “Forrest Gump”. The story is actually really cute, and in my opinion it should be made into a cheesy romantic comedy.

She desperately wants me to find a boyfriend soon, so that I don’t end up living a life full of sadness and regret, like my aunt Sophia.  In the past year, she has tried to set me up with several of the neighbours’ sons, but they all either friendzone me or go after Tamara. What can I say , it’s the story of my sad little life!

 I’ve only crushed on one boy my entire life (if you don’t count celebrities) but it actually turns out he is....

“Holly! Don’t tell me you weren't listening to what I’ve been saying?” I probably spaced out during which she probably was rambling about an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.


“Well, that’s exactly what I thought. Anyway listen carefully, tonight I’ve invited our new, well not so new neighbours over for dinner.” She announces while taking my empty plate to the basin.

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