Chapter 6: Killing Haters With A Sword

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In case you haven't noticed, in many schools librarians don't have their own offices. Ms Olivia Flack however, scared the hell out of the principal into giving her one. I heard that when she first came here ten years back, she was this innocent second grade Math teacher that used to get bullied by both the students and teachers. But, she then became a changed person once a fire burnt down her house. Apparently, she received burn marks from the incident and also lost everything she ever loved and cherished in that fire.

Due to this, she became a whole new different person that people fear and sympathize at the same time. But, that's my favourite story among all the rumours I've heard about her,ever since I first came to this school. For some reason I choose to believe it, because there is always a reason for why people act out. I honestly, don't think that the reason she's a bitch is cause she was raised by wolves!

"Do you twits have any idea what you've done?" she starts off causing Donnie to squeeze my hand as hard as possible for comfort. Blake happens to be sober now, but yet it looks like he doesn't give a damn about what she is talking about. "I mean it's basically equivalent to peeing on my mother's grave if you ask me." Ms Flack bangs her fist on her table.

"Maam' we had nothing to do with this. Blake was the one who was smoking pot, while we were doing our work." Donnie explains causing him to get a scowl from Blake.

"Well, thank you so much for throwing me under the bus. So, I'll repay you by telling her how I saw you vandalizing the girls locker room last week." Blake rats out Donnie's stupid prank to the librarian. 

"Shut it both of you! I don't care who did what because I am not going to punish any of you." My jaw drops to the floor at what she just said. Maybe, she really is in a good mood today.

She then takes out three envelopes from her purse and hands us each one.It's a really creepy habit but sometimes I have the urge to smell objects. So, I take a whiff from the envelope to realize it had the scent of rosemary. " Your inviting us to your wedding?"

"Yes Holly and you are also going to be one of my bridesmaids." Ms Flack continues to shock me with her words. "Instead of rusticating all three of you, I want you all to help me with my wedding."

"Hold on, are you black mailing us?" Blake questions. 

"Actually I'm making a deal with you guys. If you help me out in the next three months with my wedding,then I'm not going to mention your little stint to the principal, plus in advance I'll erase this detention from your permanent records. But, don't you dare tell this deal to anybody else.Not even your parents. Understood?" All three of us nod our heads in agreement.

"Now all three of you get out of here right now.We are going to discuss the rest of this at the Enchanted restaurant tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Holly and Donnie, make sure to bring your three girlfriends because I need their help too." Oh great now she wants to punish Joni, Tamara and Natalie too."Don't be late and Blake you're paying for this entire dinner."

"Wait,why me?"

"Because you started this mess and according to your records I can tell that your loaded." Blake lets out a grunt after which we all exit the room.


"And that's why I came home late." I lie to my mother about what happened in detention today. I instead tell her that since I'm Ms Flack's favourite student,she held me back an extra hour to talk to me about making me one of her bridesmaids. I mean it's not completely fictional but some major parts are definitely are.

My mother's face lights up at the idea of her daughter being someone's bridesmaids. I honestly never became anybody's bridesmaid but I once was the flower girl at my Uncle Spencer's wedding. But, I kind of screwed that job up when I decided to throw the petals at the guests instead of on the floor.

My mother than walks up to me and gives me a cheerful hug."I can't wait to see you in a dress Holly. It's been years since I last saw you one. I was devastated when you traded your frocks for your dad's old shirts."

"Mom, I don't dress like dad and wearing this dress is a one time thing, so don't get too excited." My mom then sits me down on the couch and continues to have this conversation about the wedding. I tell her more or less of everything that Ms Flack told me and even hand her the wedding invitation.I also, tell her about tomorrow night's dinner and how it was mandatory for me to attend it.

Once hearing about the dinner her face once again lights up, but this time a sly grin was pasted on her face."So, who's going to be there?"

"It's going to be Ms Flack, Donnie, Tamara, Natalie, me and...."

"And?" Her smile widens even more when I hesitate to say the last name.

"And Blake Lancaster. I have no idea why you like him so much. He's a meanie if you ask me."

"Oh c'mon you have to admit your brother's piano performance was a little dull."She insults her very own flesh and blood and takes that asshole's side." Plus, Mrs Lancaster tells me he's a great kid."

"All mothers say that about their kids, even if they happen to be axe murderers."

"I'm pretty sure this one's special!"

"Mom, can we please drop the subject. I am in no mood to talk about him."

"Oh c'mon, try to make friends with the boy. I really want Samantha and Henry to be our friends. Your dad and I have no fun what so ever and we need a couple to hang out with."

"No, I already have four friends and I don't think having a fifth one will make me happier."

"How about I strike a deal with you? You befriend Blake and I'll give you a printer. I know how you always wanted one." She's right I really wanted a printer. I am sick and tired of writing down my twenty page assignments down,  and  hence a printer could really ease my pain.

"You're willing to give me a printer if I become his friend?"

"Yes, and I'll throw in a scanner if you date him."

"What is wrong with you mom? And why do always set me up with a neighbour's son?"

"Nothing is wrong with me honey,a mother is just really worried about her frizzy haired daughter."

"I am not ready to date mom, plus I think Blake hates me. In fact I think he hates everybody." 

"Did you know that you can kill haters with kindness?" 

"How about I just get a sword, name it kindness, and kill Blake with it?" My mother just rolls her eyes at my silly litle joke. She then heads out the back yard to probably water her plants.

"Okay fine, I'll try to be his friend. I'm not making you any promises but I'll definitely try." I tell her while she was still within earshot. I then head to my room to finally take my long awaited afternoon nap.

I've been offered two deals in one day, and it kind of looks like I have no option but to take them. Because, as much as I hate Blake I desperately want a printer. I've been convincing her to give me one since 2007 and this is the closest she has ever come to agree to give me one.

So, now I hope that  tomorrow night we'll go exactly as planned and that Blake won't threaten to kill me with any nuts.But, I've got kindness to back me up but sadly not a sword named kindness!

I am going to update daily since I'm bored and also really hungry( fasting cause it's Ramadan!)

Also, the song for this chapter is Walking On Air by the wickedly awesome Katy Perry.

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