Chapter 5: Trouble In Hell

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“Now go sit down!” Ms Flack orders us, after she dragged us both by the collar to Room 408. Donnie and I just nod in response as the scary teacher sits down on her desk.

Ms Flack isn’t just the scary librarian at Chandler Academy but she is also the scariest detention teacher in the whole world. She doesn’t only sit down and watch over the students lazily for one hour; oh no she makes sure that they learn their lessons. She’s the reason why students don’t dare to stir up trouble, and I am still affected by all the offensive things she said to me when I was in one of her “disciplinary classes” back in 5th grade. But, it was worth it because I got to see Tamara throw a tantrum once I cut off her braid.

Donnie and I sit next to each other but dare not speak a word in this hour of extreme horror. Detention will begin in about five minutes and hence we were only a few moments away from unnatural torture. Gradually, more and more students start entering the classroom. Donnie just fiddles with his pencil, whereas I just play thumb wrestle with myself. And right now it looks like my left thumb is winning by unfair means.

“Ms Flack, here I’ve got another one for you.” Ms Roberts enters the class with Blake walking behind her. She looks extremely pissed, whereas Blake seems bored out of his mind.

“What did this one do?” Ms Flack asks lowering her glasses. She examines Blake from head to toe before shushing the entire class for all the noise they were making.

“Mr Lancaster not only spray painted my office, but he also had the guts to sneak in alcohol during his English class.” The headmaster explains causing Ms Flack to give him a death glare. Blake also gives her a look filled with contempt, before finding a seat across me.

“Didn’t expect to see you here Hailey!” he says getting my name wrong yet again.

“Her name is Holly, man.” Donnie decides to correct him this time.

“I wasn’t talking to you princess.” Blake responds touching several of Donnie’s nerves. He furiously gets up and heads over to his seat to punch him.

“What did you call me asshole?” Donnie shouts while grabbing him by the collar. Blake just grins at him whereas Donnie’s face turns red from all that anger.

“Donnie, let him go or else we are going to be in more trouble!” I yell when Ms Flack notices the two boys’ stupid fight.

“Yeah Diana! Why don’t you listen to your girlfriend over there?” Blake sniggers causing him to almost beat him up black and blue.

“That’s it you two! Shut up right now or else I’m throwing you both of the roof with an anvil tied to your necks.” She scolds while twisting both Blake and Donnie’s ears. 

“Ouch! Please maam’ anything but my ears. They are pierced!” Donnie cries out loud as soon as Ms Flack lets go off their ears.

Five minutes after the earful scolding Donnie and Blake received, Ms Flack ordered the students to go to the hallway. Over there, all of us had to stand against a wall in a straight line while maintaining a ten inch gap from the person next to you. She then thoroughly searched all our pockets and bags in the next ten minutes. None of us dared to make a single noise at the time, because pissing her off wasn’t really a trip to Disneyland.

“Okay listen here you hooligans.” She starts off her lecture. “Today I’m not going to punish you harshly as I regularly do.” All of us became confused at what she just said.

“Why is that?”

“Nobody asked you twinkle toes. So, you better shut it or else I’m not going to be in a good mood anymore.” She yells at the tall senior boy standing next to me.

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