Character reactions to the ending of "Leave Me Broken"
[Cover created by AFleetingDream_91]
Book One is "Leave Me Bleeding"
Book Two is "Leave Me Broken"
Spin Off One is "Reminisce: Dear O"
Spin Off Two is "Ophelia"
Book Three is "Leave Me Behind"...
Bombarded by people, Bucky was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the sympathy. Thinking of her, thinking of how many people were affected by her even if they had only known her for an hour or two, it made him shake to his core. How she positively affected everyone, so much so that her death which seemed insignificant on the large scale of the world -only a handful of people even knew she existed- had raked through so many.
And how he...
How he had done so much evil, affected thousands of lives over the years.
He cringed.
"I know what you're thinking," the velvet voice of Natasha Romanoff reached his ears. "We all see the faces of those who we have wronged."
Bucky offered a pinched smile.
"I remember all of them too," she told him.
"I guess I owe you an apology."
"Or three," she replied.
He chuckled. "I'll cross you off the list. It's a long list."
"You're forgiven, just so you know," Natasha said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You know, we could have used her today."
"She'd been through enough war," Bucky said, glancing over the beautiful country landscape.
"So have you, Barnes."
"May this be the last one, then."
"Maybe you'll get to see her at the end of this."
"I don't believe that, and I don't think you do either, Romanoff."
She grinned. "Just trying to see a silver lining."
"Not all of us get a silver lining," Bucky said, "but she was mine."
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