Alternate World

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The battle for the Universe was raging all around them. Monsters, aliens, Bucky could handle that. He understood his role there in that fight, it was to wreak havoc until he dropped to his knees, until he could continue no longer. To stop Thanos from getting to Vision, from getting the final infinity stone. It was all so new, so confusing in his mind, but he fought because it was what he was told to do. He fought beside Steve, he fought beside T'Challa, he fought beside a talking raccoon and a God of Thunder. None of it made sense, but Bucky fought for them all.

Knowing Wakanda better than the others, he went to where Vision and Wanda were, he went to protect them, to stop Thanos from reaching them. Face to face with this massive being, unlike anything he had seen before, Bucky ran towards him firing his weapon, hoping to slow him down at least a fraction.

For Vision.

For Wanda, who Bucky saw both himself and O within.

Thanos hardly glanced at him as he flung him aside like waving away a bug. Bucky flew through the air, and when he landed he could have sworn he heard a chuckle. Getting back to his feet despite being winded, Bucky shot his weapon at Thanos. Thanos turned to look at him, this time really looking into his eyes. He lifted his gauntlet-clad fist and a red substance came from it.

"I understand your suffering," Thanos said. "Let me ease your pain."

Bucky went to protest, but the red enveloped him, and all was lost.

She's all I have.

She's all I have.

She's all I have.

"If she wakes..."

"If she wakes..."


"I need you to come back, O."

"Come on, O, I know you're strong enough."

"I love you, O."



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