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Ophelia stepped out of their shared home in Wakanda. Her fingers ran through her long brown hair, which had grown to her mid-back now. In the distance stood the man she loved, their lives together having finally met a real peace -a state in which she never thought would come their way. Living in the apartment in Romania had come with troubles, worries, always looking over their shoulders. But here in Wakanda, they were the safest they had ever been.

Protected by a literal shield around the country, hidden from the rest of the world who all thought Wakanda was a third world country, impoverished and struggling. But this place was beyond anything Ophelia had seen before. T'Challa offered to allow them to stay as long as they wanted, but should they leave, they could not speak of it to anyone. Not that Ophelia and Bucky had anyone to tell. However, they chose to live in Wakanda for the fresh air, the safety, and the fact that they could be in the open without worrying.

Ophelia wrapped her arms around Bucky's shoulders; he was seated before the lake as the sun was beginning to rise. She planted a kiss on his stubble-covered face and inhaled deeply. "Good morning, my love."

Bucky wrapped his one arm around Ophelia's which was still wrapped around his chest. Feeling her with soft fingertips, trying to remind himself that she was real. They had been living in Wakanda for a year now, and still Bucky doubted it could possibly be real. When he so solidly remembered her dying in that comatose state, unable to even say goodbye except through a mental bridge. How she had used the last of her energy to make sure he knew she loved him. How every bone inside his body broke and yet remained perfectly intact; how could he go on when she was-

"You're gone," Ophelia said to him, sliding around and kneeling in front of him. She placed her hands on his cheeks. "Come back to me."

He focused on her, and only her. "I'm here," he said with assuredness. But he wasn't so sure that she was.

"Tell me what is on your mind," she said. "You fade away more now than ever, but I can tell it has nothing to do with the past."

"It's nothing," he said with a crooked smile. How could he enjoy his time with her when he feared so deeply it would be ripped from him? And on the other hand, how could he not embrace every second with her while it lasted?

"You're a terrible liar, Bucky." She grinned. 

She stood up from her knelt position, and then discarded the wrap-around dress she wore, walking backwards into the lake with her eyes on Bucky. Her confidence was outstanding, her movements were enticing, and Bucky couldn't help but rise to his feet as well. He followed her into the lake, stripping himself bare and following her in; he would follow her to the ends of the world if it meant he could hold her for one more night. Embracing the good while it was here, telling himself day after day that it was real, yet finding reasons to doubt it, Bucky dove into the water and swam up to her.

The water was up to her shoulders, and only up to his chest. Their hair was dripping wet, water glistening off their skin. Bucky's shoulder glimmered violently compared to the rest of the softness around them; that glaring metal stub always a distraction to him. But never to Ophelia, who slid her arm around Bucky's waist and pulled him tight against her in the warm water.

"Tell me you're really here," he whispered, pressing his lips to her wet hair.

"Of course I'm here, Bucky," she whispered back.

The world around them flickered an ominous red. It would have been missed with a blink of the eye, but Bucky saw it. He held Ophelia tighter, because he knew he was going to have to let go. 


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