Chapter 8

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hello guys! :D sorry for the late update. This chapter is dedicated to rosesarered27 for finishing A Penny's Worth of Affection. :) i love that book. Oh, and a shout out to my non biological twin- Rachel, who is the reason this chapter is up. And also a thanks to angelyntjf, who actually typed out this chapter for me while I did my ICTL Project :3 

And thank YOU for reading my story! :D 

Chapter 8

Sopheila’s POV

I blinked rapidly at the scene before me, half-expecting it to be a figment of my imagination and disappear. But no, the scene before me didn’t vanish into thin air, and Jabez Evans was still staring at me.

We just stood there, frozen, staring at each other in shock. Jabez Evans was the last person I expected to see here. Heck, anybody would be the last person I would expect to see in a clearing of willow branches.

Jabez’s jaw slowly retracted back to its original position, and he smiled sweetly at me. “Hi there,” he said. “So we meet again.”

His voice snapped me out of my shocked state. Suddenly, I was aware of how my wind-tousled hair must look… Then I remembered that I had to answer him.

“Err… Hi,” I said awkwardly. Then: “Come here often?”

Real smart question, Soph. Real witty.

To my surprise, Jabez emitted a warm chuckle instead of giving me a weird look. “Actually,” he replied, eyes twinkling. “I do come here often. It’s my… Err… Special place.”

So I had intruded on his special place? Wow, smooth move, Soph. He probably thinks you’re some stalker or something now. “Oh… I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to barge in here… I was just trying to get a picture of a bird…” I trailed off, biting my lip.

“That’s okay,” Jabez said. “You’re the first person who has managed to find this place without directions. Well, besides me.”

“I feel pretty bad,” I admitted.

Jabez  gave me a smile that said “It’s cool”. An awkward silence descended over us, and he returned his attention to the small, lined notebook in his hand, which seemed to be full of mathematical calculations. He produced a pencil from his pocket and scribbled something in the book.

In a desperate attempt to remove the awkwardness, I lifted my camera and – finally – took a shot of the elusive bird that was resting on one of the many willow branches.

Surprisingly, it worked. Jabez lifted his head from his calculations and commented,” That’s a nice camera.”

I smiled a little at him. “Thanks,” I struggled to look for another conversation starter, then: “So... What’s with all the calculations?”

Jabez ran his hand through his hair, looking frustrated, replying,” I’m trying to calculate all the cost of maintaining my apartment.”

My intelligent reply was: “Oh. You have an apartment of your own?”

He simply answered, “Yes. I don’t live with my parents.”

I could sense that he didn’t want to talk more about that, so instead of asking ‘why’, I inquired where his apartment was located.

“It’s the apartment on Bronx Street.”

Bronx Street...? I only knew one apartment that was located on Bronx Street. It was a huge, fancy apartment, beautifully designed. But I’ve hardly seen anybody go in or out of the apartment. The valet spots were always next to empty.

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