Chapter 1

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OMG I'm so sorry about the extremely late update! School has been.. busy these past days. :/ anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. PLEASE VOTE FAN COMMENT!!! and thanks to summergirl21 for the GORGEOUS picture to the side as well as my cover.. >>>>

Jabez's POV

It is surprisingly easy to go unnoticed in high school. Just keep your head down, grades okay, don't stand out and you're good to go.

I should know. I 've been keeping my head down, and grades a B average for 3 years. If you ask most people at J. Willeton High who the heck Jabez Evans is, they will tell you that my name sounds familiar, but cannot pin point exactly who I am. 

Shows how quickly people forget.

I'll tell you something I've learned from years of blending in: you notice a lot more about others around you when there's nothing in you own life to interest you. 

Which is how I know that Jessica Melaiy was having problems with her parents; that Jack Cutter, a school jock, actually prefers his own gender; and that Haleff Ledge was cheating on her boyfriend with his best friend. 

The kids in my school are too engrossed with themselves and their lives to even notice when someone needs a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen, or in need of a slap in the face. 

But I suppose I can't be a hypocrite. A few measly months ago I never would have figured out that Anneth Laurs is such an actress. 

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(A/N: Sorry it may be a little confusing here-- I suck at tenses. Especially past past tense. :S is that what's its called? anyways, this is sort of like in Jabez's past. Keep that in mind. :D )

Anneth Laur's real name is Annabeth-- but she insisted on people calling her 'Anneth'. She's pretty, I'll give you that. She has golden hair, the exact colour of honey when light hits it. She has clear, blue- green eyes; not quite turquoise, pouty lips and tanned skin. 

And like everyone else, she's been trying to get into J. Willeton's popular group since she was a freshman, but doubly so. To her, getting into the Ivy League means everything. 

The Ivy League is a clique of J. Willeton's hottest, richest, coolest, and most notorious. In a school where everyone is trying to get in, it's crazy hard to get in, and too easy to drop out. 

I was once in the Ivy League. Guys wanted to be me, trends were set by me and the rest of the group, I was on top of my world. Of course, every girl wanted to be with me. 

But the only girl I wanted was Anneth Laurs. With her good looks and charming personality (or so I thought), I was instantly wrapped around her finger from day one.

Because Anneth wasn't in the Ivy League, it was difficult for us to meet up for dates. So..

I did it. 

Like a stupid, stupid love-sick fool (which I was), I did it.

I resigned from the Ivy League. Naturally, it shocked everyone. After all, who wants to leave the most exclusive group? But I did it for her. 

Or so I had thought. 

When I met Anneth at lunch that fateful day, I thought she would be delighted. Overjoyed, that we'd finally be able to be together without boundaries. 

But as you've probably figured out, I was wrong. 

Anneth had taken a long, hard look at me. She asked quietly, " Are the rumors true, then?" 

I had replied, "They're not rumors. They are the truth." I actually planned that bloody line.

She took a deep breath and said, " Then... I can't believe I wasted all that time on you!" 

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