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We've been here in Spain for about two weeks now. Today we're going home. We all have our tickets and bags packed. We leave in an hour. Right now, were at Emi and Ivans mom's house, letting them day goodbye to their mom before they leave.

I'm sitting with Charlie, Jaeden, Finn, Jack, and Wyatt in Emilio's room, waiting till they get done saying their goodbyes.

Then, they came in the room "Let's go guys, don't want to miss our flight. " Emilio said. "AWWWEEE! But we don't want to leave! " We all whined. " I'll get you ice cream when we land!" Ivan said. "Deal." We all said, grabbing our bags and heading out to the car.

- 45 minutes later -

We are at the airport now, and all Finn had been talking about is debating what ice cream he's gonna get when we land. It's so NOT annoying.

" Flight from Spain to U.S. now boarding. " We heard over the speaker. We all ran there to see who would win. The twins won. We all got into our seats, I sat between Emilio and Jaeden. "Are you ready?" He asked me. " Ready as I'll ever be. I just want to get back home, and into my comfy bed, and take a nap. " I said.

We've been on the plane for about two hours now, messing around. Right now Emilio and Jaeden are pushing me back and forth between them because they're bored. "You guys can stop now.." I said, getting annoyed . "Nah, were fine. Or should I say... We're FINN" Jaeden said. "That's the worst joke I've ever hea-" I got cut off by the speaker. "Everyone please remain calm and buckle your seat belts. We are having some technical difficulties. Don't worry we will be back on track soon. " The captain said. I immediately got scared. We buckled our seatbelts, just the the lights to the plane went out, only the floor lights are on now and the plane dipped a bit. " Jaeden, what's going on?" I asked frightened. " I don't know, but I'm sure we'll be fine. " He said, putting an arm around me and pulling me closer.

Then, I could feel the plane start going down, Emilio and Jaeden hugged me. " Emilio, Jaeden, I love you both. If I don't make it off of this plane just know that I loved you both. " I said crying. A tear slipped from their eyes. "Don't say that, we'll make it." Jaeden said. "I love you" he said, then I started hurting all over and blacked out.

Where am I?

I see me in a hospital bed, lying down. Jake, Logan, mom, and dad are here, but there crying.

Can they see me?

I can see them...

Am I.....


Then, I see my heart monitor gp flat, and the beeping stops.

Then someone grabs my hand. I look back and I can see my aunt...

But it can't be...

She's... Dead...

"Y/n, come with me."

"To where you belong. " She said.

She had beautiful wings, and she was glowing..

"B-but I don't want to go. I-I want to stay here, with my family..." I said, a tear slipping from my eye.

" Your time here is over now. You will see them again another day.. don't worry. " She said hugging me.

Is this how it ends?

"Wh-Wheres Jaeden?" Jaeden is where he belongs now, don't worry about where he is. " She said, with a smile.

Nobody's pov.

5 months later.

It has been five months since y/n died. Not only her, but everyone else on the plain. Emilio, Ivan, Jaeden, Charlotte, Finn, Wyatt...
After that happened, Jake broke down.

He blamed it on himself.

He stopped making videos for two months...

He loved his sister..

He became suicidal... But after a while, he decided it was time to be strong. For her.

So, he started making videos again. He tried to push the thought of her away. He didn't want to forget about her. But, he wanted to forget about the good times he had with her.

Every now and then, he would go to her grave Stone and talk to her. To catch her up with what was going on.

He never forgot about her.

Or them.
He often thought about them, thinking he was never going to see them again.

He did.

After a many years, he did see them. He saw all of them.

And he was happy again.

He was whole again.

He was Jake again.

As for y/n and Jaeden, they were inseperable. They were in heaven now, always playing around together, never out of each other's sight.

You could say they lived....

Happily ever after.

Jaeden Lieberher// Jake PaulWhere stories live. Discover now